What...the..****? on your profile pic XD anyways how were you nii-chan? XD
kaiba~ kaiba: huh? >3 kaiba: NOOO!! -runs- -gets him- XD
MY KAIBA! >3 kaiba:..oh..god...
i was a marik fan girl too :3 now im kaiba hahaha! XD oh and i was bakurs's too >>'
joey: what the ****? uhh >.>' wow
awww i - kaiba: No... ;-; joey: come on kaiba you never hafd a girlfriend give her a chance! right marik?
no i was gone for a while ><'' kaiba: *eats sandwitch* when did rich people eat sandwitch? joey: i don't know from brooklyn? -plays brookyn...
yep he didn't say sorry to me >>
no he hasn't >>"
hahaha! *sleeps* joey: what that's not how you duel! kaiba: screw the rules i have money!
no it wasn't >>'
*wakes up* what the ****?! kaiba: :what the ******?!
aww what's wrong XD
lol is that megaman? :lolface:
yeah true :3
well your a little bit of jaden yuki >>'
i know that ^^
>.>' okay. i know - i know
ohhhh >.> XD
what? >.>'