I. Don't. Wear. Headphones. Lol.
How much? =D
Yeah. Mmmhmm.
I'm actually being serious. I can't hear.
I have no idea. I can't hear from it D:
I went deaf in my right ear. D:
Ugh, back to Yahoo Messenger. -_-
Whoa. 7 people getting online all at the same time. XD
Ah, I got infectucated. D:
Turn off your comp.
i r on ur msn =D
If you do it, I'll kill you. I think that counts.
... Touché.
Do you have like...Blue Badger fetishes or something?
Even without its physical presence here, it scares me. D:
I demand more entertainment. >0 Watching the Price is Right with Drew Carey seriously sucks.
It must obviously mean something.
...make me feel crappy on the inside.
That has lowered my self-esteem.
What in the hell have you been doing to those two? D: