Can I have a party? :D
Any ideas for a stock? I'm so out of them. -_-
lulz did you stole my ideas? D;
After seeing Darky's sexy piece of art, I just had to make one of my own. I accept all comments and criticism :D
I declare this statement a bunch of LIES~!
I actually think nothing bad of Canada. It's just funny being able to say that about you. ;3
My favorite finisher is to jump and then use Blizzard. >.>
... ORLY? o.O
I'm Asian. D;
jojoj13, your sig entry exceeds the size limit. You're gonna have to make it smaller.
My friends and the emotions I have.
I didn't really like the idea of the movie. I thought it was called Camp Rock because there would be rock music. >_>;; The only thing I liked was that one song, I Gotta Find You. ^^;
Sephiroth was WAY too easy to be a one-time-only fight. I enjoy fighting him, though only on Proud Mode. It's funny how he can take all your HP with one combo at a low level ^_^;
Death Note fangirls and fanboys do that to you. It's like some kind of epidemic.
3/10 I'm sorry, but who are you? ._.
So, I got this idea to use this stock from Darky's sig who got it from Chaser. Something like that. I think this one is my newest favorite. o.o;
Since America is so obsessed with the content of animes, they usually do things like this. It's nothing new.
Wrong. Remember why Axel was so interested in Sora in the first place during the COM events. Also, remember that one quote he said about Sora: "He's partially one of us." --- For a brief moment when he met Sora in Twilight Town, Vexen said "the other side of his heart remembers this place". You know that Sora had never physically set foot in Twilight Town before arriving in Castle Oblivion. And the only person who could have was Roxas. Not to mention that the rooms in Castle Oblivion were crafted by Sora's heart. You know the story with the other half. Put it together.
...gtfo. Kirby (#47) will object to your iPods.