Banned for abusing the dog's power to ban me
Deadman Wonderland ?o: I personally am not a huge fan, but I thought there were a lot of deadman wonderland fans on here. Hm hm.
You got me listening to emery again, Makaze haha. The Party Song by Emery
Zebras are also good for you
Banned for seeking stars
Are you aware of how many times Sora says "Riku.." ? Haha. There's plenty of times. So technically sunrose is correct. Uhhmm Sora referring to mushu ?0.o I'm pretty sure it's somebody when they're freaked out about mushu and mulan in kh2
X-rays show that bacon contains fungi. Those mushrooms are at it again...
Tip of my Tongue by The Civil Wars Good song by the way. Emery is very underrated.
Riku to Xion in Days. I love that scene. "You and I both miss someone we care about"
Knights of Shame by awolnation
Beast in KH2, losing hope for himself
Easy, Saix. "way to fall right into their trap"
That's so cool! Too bad I don't go to conventions ):
Hmm. I was gonna say oogie maybe but I really don't As for leblonk, I think it's Sora to Repliku in chain of memories
Ohh. Well that's pretty cool(: Bet it'll be awesome
Ohs :p do you think you'll finish it ?
Hmm...yes. Well, do you have an idea of how you wanna start it ?
Hm hm. I see....well how is it going so far ?
Hmm Namine ?
Hmm you should listen to the lavender town music while you write, perhaps read a non-Pokemon creepypasta for inspiration ? If you're looking to...