1st : Rom is a game you use to play on a emulator 2nd : the cheats i get from here i use and for some reason they wont work even when you say they do.. 3rd : when i go home i bet you the 6 codes i have written down so far will not work..
i like it but it is slowly getting boring for me..atleast im making money out of it :)
thanks god i got one when it came out :)
are these cheats for the Rom of the PS2 version cause you are all talking about loads of stuff...
is there a code that lets you play as kink mickey in the PAL version and also what is the YINGYANGWARRIOR? is there a code that lets you play as kink mickey in the PAL version and also what does the code YINGYANGWARRIOR posted do?
ok im adding you two onto the list and welcome.
woah these new pictures are sop awesome :p i cannot wait for it to come out.. and look at this!
ok wouldnt anyone like to be a judge or like to me in the competition..?
i loved the part where they are in the back gared with a Zombie Woman and they push her into a pole..the first time i saw that i threw up...
well i hope it all gets better and also me and my couson Jamie we are huge f1 fans :)
also when the list is full i will send 11 PM'S to people and they have to choose a nintendo wifi game.. so really it isnt my choice...
the more i read it the more excited i am :d
splitoverload you are ACCEPTED!
off topic : O_o if he does send me one i want one to give to my cute dog trafford :) on toppic : Gordon Brown says he is going to get £200 billion to repay the people who lost their items.
O_O i just remembered, who watched the F1 grand prix on the weekend? it got cancelled for 40mins cause of heavy rain and 6 to 9 cars had to retire from the race..
i live in north wales so im glad also :) and i posted the video.. new video : http://news.sky.com/skynews/video/videoplayer/0,,31200-1276385,.html
yeah, 4 countys all flooded and are increasing rapidly.. http://news.sky.com/skynews/video/videoplayer/0,,30000-1276905,.html
thank god i live in the U.K cause i can go and buy up to a 16+ and im 14! and it isnt even against the law over here.
im sure some of you have been hearing about the huge floods in England and i want to know about your views on the topic.
its actualy in the right place cause there was a huge debate of it cause people where getting early copies of the book...