NO it didnt
no it didnt
im back.. i entered the code in , played the game and everything is normal.. unless it doesnt work while playing as roxas and ill test that for you cloud just in a sec EDIT: The code is invalid
im just getting the stuff ready when im done ill tell you
are you asking me>
ill test brb in 5mins.., it works!! it works
you aint wrong there :D
to that question.. YES!
neither can i :) it looks better than mario sunshine and mario 64 put together..
all photos are by OMN and issue 21 out 29th august. ill try and get some scans of the mag.
The portly plumber is out of this world… Super Mario Galaxy is looking like it could be the best Mario game for a decade. Just looking at these new screens reminds us of the excitement and anticipation in the build up to Super Mario 64 more than ten years ago. And if you want to go back even further these Mario power-ups could be the best since the plumber jumped into his raccoon suit back in Super Mario Advance 3. Below we can see a Boo with a moustache. This is actually Boo Mario and by collecting a power-up, the plumber can turn into the famous Mushroom Kingdom ghost and float through walls. You've already seen screens of Bee Mario and below we can see him buzzing around, trying to retrieve the star shards from the Queen bee. We also get our first glimpse of Queen Rosetta who asks Mario to find the great star in the game's tutorial.. WHO IS SHE?
this is all so kewl but it comes out in december* *according to officials.. but who is counting?
what is that? cause it does work.. Thank you! its to play as roxas and also if you change the keyblade it freezes
I got my internet back online now so i will have no problem trying the codes out but i think its my ARMax dist cause my couson ruined it but will it work if i get a disk cleaner and use it on it?
i dont know but i can tell you it isnt fake cause i got it from codejunkies website..
it is working right cause i tryed it at my friends like he said and it still doesn't work..
some codes work and some dont.. like the inf jump works but to play as mickey dont..
38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W that is the one i use from codejunkies..
the one from code junkies.. please pm the info cause i have to go out now..
1st : im from wales 2nd : i use action replay max 3rd : when i enter the codes it says it is for wrong game.. 4th : i called the game Kingdom Hearts II