one time i didnt sleep for 2 days and i dont know why
what does the code do? offtopic : 100th post
this is simple and fun, just say 3 words and dont go off the story. start with : one simple day
banned for having a monkey tail.
you can play fm+ on pc O_o can i have dl link?
is there any diffulculty lvl for kh2 pal yet?
those are great but i cant seem to wounder Where The F*** is that other guy ven?? shouldn't he be in kh2 fm+?
how can i get this game on to my computer? and how much memory is it?
jihack i aint spreading lies and i did meant to say depending on the code. and also i do not hate armax so stfuah
brilliant video and i hope you like karma :)
if i know how to port codes we would have awesome kh2 codes
search on google or on the kh2 codes thread
there was no info in ONM this month except it was #85 in top 100 games you should buy in this 6 months
did it teach you a lesson not to cheat?
i want to blow this spammy thread up now.. and who imagined that could have been riku there O_o
if you save with your codes on, it will only currupt your data. *MAY Currupt data
i wounder what is wrong then :s
i really doubt him actualy doing it ( if he does im gonna be soo thrilled but if he doesnt i dont really care )..
my couson is borrowing it for the night ( he thinks he can crack the game and make a play as riku code ) -_-''
Max Magic A8UG-2V20-1DQTY 7V1J-KKHW-E3MK4 does this code work ( if so you should have max magic )