ill test them for you evilman_89 ill be about 5-10mins
aww its soo cute *gets UZI and blows off namine's head* mine bish *puts pushie in inf reflecta spell cage* no one can get it now =D
how doas the battle lvl work?
want me to convert cloud?
actualy the one i got gives you the abilitys but not for donald or goofy..
i have inf jump ( all form abilities altogether ) and lvl 99 code
this is kingdom hearts 2 only sorry..
no there is no one except sephiroth
ok thanks brb im testing it
.....there is no xaldin and the cheat is active. i also use free drive cheat and that dont work either..
it was when i put a J on the piece of paper went back to my room looked at it and i saw i put a 3 instead of a J and now im gonna have fun for a while...
EDIT: lol N293N i put instead of N29JN ( im sooo stupid )
NOPE! i checked again and its invalid
ok brb and please reply back so i dont have to edit
the sephiroth code says it is invalid and i double checked
ok thank you :) my couson gave me my armax and he *says* he got the riku code but he wont give me it..and i think he is lieing...
sorry i didnt know...
will a DVD recorder work?
can i have 2 good enemy codes that replace donald and goofy please and how do you make videos like the video portal in good quality cause i want to make my own..
i do =D...