Lets hope that they stick to schedule, and don't dawdle for another few years uwu In any case however, I'm relieved at the moment to see that the date is still for 2014 (as I've been meaning to get this for that time).
Alright! Just a brief reminder everybody that if you wish to share YT links with us of your favourite tv shows/anime series's, feel free to post 'em down right here~!
kajddijdjdowjsbw yes you are uwu /hugs
You is kind. You is smart. You is important. ~Aibileen Clark It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing. ~John Green So dawn goes down today... Nothing gold can stay. ~ Robert Frost
I miss you too bae ;o; <3
Had a feeling that they would tease us some more with a few seconds gameplay when it comes to both KH-III and FFXV ;o Prayer circle that there will be some new information about the game itself ;A;
It's mostly because the Captain Swan shippers died from that canon ball 8) fnskskflsmanfodmansmalq I've yet to watch the episode, was waiting last night to watch it live on the iPad, but with half an hour to wait and a crappy reception for ABC I just couldn't do it 8( I'll update later when I have watched it~ uwu
sochdkajdkkehwjsb Gorgeous. Impeccable work as always Rissy! I didn't think it was possible for you to get even better than the perfect icons you posted last ;o I was pleasantly proved wrong uwu Just, unf!
Hate to burst your bubble, but the last prize was given about 21 posts ago now (including mine just now). uwu