Bit disappointed at the lack of Persona 5 occurring this time around, but it should be exciting seeing the newer gen of Pokemon, Batman, progression w/ Kingdom Hearts games etc (don't want to write an entire essay about E3 whilst on my phone) c: I am a little more stoked for the newer, unheard of games at the given moment... Could all change tho. Alright, let's bring out the E3 bingo card 8)
Oh yes I did. c:
K den
Best member Signature mayhaps?
Release date for the film was about two days ago in America c: Unfortunately us Brits have to wait till the 16th before we get the pleasure of watching it (for me, a second time). Anyone seen the movie yet? c:
tis but 3 more minutes~
I love thee to the level of everyday’s Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I will be x 15 mins max
hehe, it definitely does~ uwu
*boo biiip boo biiip* ;w;
Hi all you QT's~! Hope you've all been doing well, and hopefully the weather has been treating you well~ Just gonna drop this here and fly off again uwu Before I do, can I just say how amazing you all look? 100/10 Spoiler: In Summahhh
*boop* uwu
awe thank you bae uwu
Sure, what for? :o
(Whoopsie, ololo thanks for pointing that out, just wanted to clarify the context uwu) Hopefully things'll pick up pace over the summer. And it...
I did too.
Seeing a bunch of QT's on this thread being all like...
Definitely~ I think it'll definitely spruce things up c: How's things been since you came back? (Read back on one of your messages here, and...