Because curiosity's almost always a stop away from madness c;
I get ads for poupourri. (Just checked right now, used to be all "get mastercards right here".) I actually saw that advert on tumblr not too long ago and it made me laugh a ton seeing how gooble picked up on it uwu
Omg I know right? That pre-installed app's horrific ;A; Very limited functionality.
Been a little busy with the fammo xD
I am dw!
/sees through the vacation /shadily glances over at Amaury
Lol I hope so too xD
I honestly hope things do come together for you, and that you get better sooner rather than later!!
Jdjajdjsiehdkaa I'm so glad it did uwu Soar as high as you imagination <3
//hugs I know the feels >A< Hope that lifts you up even if only a little. Dealing with a lotta cray too >A<
c: How've you been gurl?
*gives red bull*
I'm honestly sorry for saying this, but this is an incredibly pessimistic thing to say. I for one have previously had a bad experience in a relationship, but it doesn't mean that everybody should follow what you have learnt from it. Its exceedingly hard to get it right the first time, and those who do end up with those who are the "missing piece to their puzzle" are actually very lucky people, whom which many envy and wish for. People have bad experiences. But like Luxxy said the post above me, there are also good experiences to be had. My own two cents (which can be disregarded if you want) is to tread carefully in a relationship if you are unsure of whether this person could be "the one", and whether the long distance relationship may or may not work. Only because sometimes you think you might know a person, and then something might happen. More than anything, I'm saying this as a general safety thing. Like anyone, last thing I want is for Enzy's heart to be broken because she's a sweet gal.
10 more minutes on the portfolio then I am so done with this idc
;A; It did
Still happening at the mo ;A; Using the little phone connection I have to try and reconnect on skype but it won't work 8'(
;A; there was a Power cut