Interview today! Wish me luck (◡‿◡✿)
Very much beauty, Miss Tea~ Achievement unlocked! > Spoiler: selfie kween (◡‿◡✿)
Was compelled to troll, but too nice and sunny to do so uwu You know you don't have to necessarily completely exercise to lose weight c: A healthy and regular diet goes a long way.
Must resist...urge... Compelled... To photoshop... D:
Basilash and Jaded as shipping names omg Now as for you and Jayn... Sumiyan~? Jaymi~?
Though I had not seen the second season of Korra, I have to agree with you that FiM stepped up its game to becoming really enjoyable for this season. And dat finale tho. Spoiler That battle with Twilight and her no longer having that old home of hers ;o; Lord Tirek exceeds all expectations for a villain in this show, unlike that last guy. Not only is this satanic individual pure evil, he’s the most powerful entity in the entire show! Not only is he powerful, Tirek also a great schemer. If someone was to be called the Devil of MLP, it’d be this guy. I was originally brought into the fandom from both my friend and sister, and during one holiday (and no wifi) I managed to catch up on the three seasons (with the family) no problem. Fourth season was a bit difficult due to work, but when I managed to catch up on it, I really quite liked it.
Still a better love story than Twilight~ :D
KYUUBEY oAo /flips all the tables
odkarkwldjaowhdoqhdqk thank you I guess May the force of the eyebrow game be with you~ Plot twist of plot twist of plot twist Spoiler
Not feeling well :c
//sobs because Portugal's game's so bad omg. Still rooting unless they get out at this round ;A; Omg those parties tho, they're so wild xkwndosbsks
Anyone planning on watching it/or are watching it? Just curious is all c:
Loooool well, talking bout the bb bro does that, s'pecially @2am in the morning dksmjdlsbsks Can't handle sreepyness ;n;
Sometimes skype leaves you hanging at cray hours.