Wait 5(five) minutes and explain(explain)
nvm my first choice this is better
Stay and try to make it right, since a lot of girls don't seem to do that.
Hmmmm...that question does make one wonder. Though, I assume if those two blimps were to touch, it would cause the destruction of time and space as we know it.
Nice to meet you, Boy that Wonders. What do you wonder about?
I read a Youtube comment that described why Roxas said "Why did he pick you?!", and I found it more interesting than the original Japanese script. It goes: Roxas asks why "he" picked Sora, as in, why did Axel choose to sacrifice himself for Sora? Axel didn't help Roxas.
Jube please come back to the discord chat We won't post Ponies anymore, I swear.
I am turned on right now.
Oh **** man, they are actually stepping out of bounds from the movies a bit? Getting hyped, man. I was not expecting much from KH3, but it sure is delivering.
Ask what the **** is going on and why you are going to China when they could be going to superior Japan. Also nice twist there with the briefcase, pretty anime.
Don't move, cops are nice.
Its the best ava I have ever seen
Mall, buy some nicer clothes. A sailor outfit would be good. Like sailor moon. --- Post updated --- Mall, buy some nicer clothes. A sailor outfit would be good. Like sailor moon.
She's 13, man.
1 Impressions 2 Current Impressions 3 Future Impressions 4 Impressions 100 years from now 5 Which is your fave KH game? 6 Future ambitions? 7 Who is cooler, Below, or me
When's Mahvel
Anything for you.
Persona 5, bitches. YOU CAN DATE YOUR TEACHER IN THE GAME. It's everything I have ever wanted. They always teased that in the early titles, but no. You can only go out with your school mates and some toaster aka Aegis.