I remember when you complimented my Persona 5 Queen avatar. I'll never forget that moment. I'll see you over at the discord server m8. (i'll be waiting for you here tho)
KINGSMAN THE SECRET SERVICE lookin good karu (cant believe your younger than me smh)
hahahahaa subscrbied! xDDDDDDD
The person above me is going to have good day.
I can just imagine Digi and Amaury kissing passionately.
The person below me is a golden retriever. Say something nice about them.
****in Amaury
**** I need an invite, fam.
Silly, I woulda sent you a pic regardless.
>Door-kun from Milking the Persona Series All Night ava Berty good. AND OK, ANYTHING FOR YOU TRIGRA
It's nothing, compared to my past online existence tbqh wy fam.
It moves if I click it, its k.
Heart cause she captured my heart
Karu cause he said daisuki to me once.
*votes for my boy Triggra*
All these nice people...it's hard to choose who is the worst.
I dunno who Dravoo is so Im gonna vote for her.
Anyone that votes for me will get a picture of my feet sent to them through private message.
This is actually good.
thx bb i luv u Also yeah, I lived in Morris. I dunno I was shy ok. Also name your kid Vanitas.