Oh crap... It is a guy isn't it?
It's... okay. I would like it better if his name was pronounced "Mar-lux ( like in luxord)-ea. Anyway... 5/10
I'd rather it be a zombie gilr than a zomibe guy... That came out wrong.
JD and Elliot are together again!! YAY!!
Do I have to choose one? I don't want to choose one, and I also don't pencils shoved in my butt the rest of my life... the ultimate choice.
Why do girls, on opposite day, dress up like gangsters? What is the last number in pi?
Scooby Doo!!!!!!!!!!
pppppuuuuppppyyyy!!!!!!!!!! Noooooo!!
It has been a VERY long time since I have been active. And nothing seems to have change. It is so booring!
Mine's definately tied between "College Kids" and "Gibberish."
I just got RE: CoM today but I can't play it til tomorrow because I left my controller at my friend's house. So what I want to know is: Did they screw up Vexen's laugh? Can someone post a video of his laugh. I need to know if they screwed it up like Light Yagami's english laugh.
If it is from youtube, you do the following: type - you know those letters and numbers at the end of the link ex. link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NlmMxXWEQw (these numbers) You put them where the ** are so if you use this one it should like this: [**youtube=6NlmMxXWEQw]6NlmMxXWEQw[/youtube**] (Take out the ** at the beggining and the end)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzHGiM1SywU&fmt=18 One of the best songs ever!!
I hate you so much...
R ... R!!!! ............. RRRRRRRRRR .......................... Dammit, it doesn't work
Why not? Blastoise can kick major arse.
If I couldn't read, I would commit suicide because I couldn't read manga...
Blastoise PWNS all of the other first season starters
Sokka is the best