Well all of that is the basic components of a great video game. They just have make a good story from the begging to the end, which both do.
Like any of us could make it out there! It is full of scary people! May the Force be with you.
Size: .450x150 Render/Pic: http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360...nfinite-undiscovery-20070911113259970-000.jpg (If you can, I don't want the ign.com thing on there, but I won't mind) Theme: Doesn't really matter, just make it red please Text: The Liberator Font: Any Effects: Any Other: Banana riding a bike says thank you in advance
If you want a really good, though a little short, RPG, try Infinite Undiscovery. It is a great game though the mouthing is really... lacking.
Well it sucks to be you.
Watch Scrubs then.
I know. I haven't even had the game an entire week. *Sigh* Off to Walmart to get another copy
What calms me down after a creepy dream is playing my Xbox 360 ( i hate my sister for ruining my favoirte game) Yes it was a good book.
Avvy: 7/10 Sig (overall): 7/10
Hmm... I never thought of that. I doubt it though, just a hunch.
I thought as much. Dammit, karma must really like to kick my as... butt
After 25 years old, unless your parnets can not live by themselves, you shouldn't live with them.
Magic easily. Teh only reason I use summons is to increase their level.
My sister, being the self-centered female dog she is, was trying to set up the dvd player. In the process, she, ON PURPOSE, shoved my Xbox 360. I heard a whirling noise come my beloved machine. Thinking nothing of it at the time, I wento to my room. When my sister went to bed, I went to play my current favorite game, Infinite Undiscovery. To my utter horror, the game will not play. I opened up the disc tray and saw that it has three scratch marks. Not tiny scratch marks, scrach marks that go all the way around the disc. So, is there anyway I can save my game? (note: I do not trust game cleaning machines. They are a rip off)
:bounce: Creepy.....
Where the hell do you find this stuff?
:bounce: Oooooooohhhhh
All of Lithion Jube's pictures are of guys that look like girls.