It was 30 bucks. It was either that or a real (but a TINY Zangetsu for 25 bucks [ real steel])
Bought. And it has been used since then.
Lcky... All I have isCloud's Buster Sword
Now if only I knew how to fight with a sword. Then I would bleach my hair orange and a hollow mask.
Arigato. (probably spelled that wrong)
I don't remember reading a rule about this thing called a thumb. (Trys to make a stupid joke but utterly fails)
Hello. Welcome. Good day to you. Hi. Hola. However you say hello in German. Welcome to I am not your travel guide Judie. She was sick today. So in her place is... who know? Just a fews rules (99% of us are too lazy to read them so the other 1% tell it to people): 1. Spam only in the spam zone 2. Keep it pg to pg-13 3. Monkey 5.No polls in the Creativity Corner 6.Do not make the admins angry 7. Read this list again and notice I did not put a 4. 8. Minimum of six words per post (Like any of us follow it though) And that is a brief run-down of Thank you and good day.
Username: Gerdneek Name: Taka Hyuuga Age: 18 Gender: Male Bijuu: Mrs. seven tails Panther Starting element: Earth Specialty Jutsu: Byakugan and Earth Release: Earth Spear Parents: Neji Hyuuga & Tenten Appearance: (add the Byakugan) Preferable weapons: Kunai Other: Shizune is dea. Oodama Rasengan master of gentle fist. Knows he has 7-tails
Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high. There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby. Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream Really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far Behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops, Away above the chimney tops. That's where you'll find me. Somewhere, over the rainbow, bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow, Why then - oh, why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, Why, oh, why can't I?
I don't really care. I have two copies of the 2 disc edition. I am perfectly fine if it comes out again
Just a wierd question: How did you make the chart?
My mother saw me on here a few times and that is it. She gives me a hard time everytime I am on Youtube though. I say I live in Japan (I don't) and she gets mad. *sigh* mothers that think they know everything...
Grr!!! Curse you new server!! Are you trying to take what we have left away?! Not on mine :(
Clothes. And if you choose shoes, get cheap ones that work.
Not on the list: Infinite Undiscovery On the list: Halo 3
5/5 favorites. You just have to know what people go for nowadays. They like actuals clips instead of pictures
Dandersnuff...*snickers* Funny name. Welcome to this place full of weird people. That will be$665.99 please.
Had Enough by Breaking Benjamin
Who invinted the game? Dammit, now I lost. That the 123rd time today.
Didn't work. Scracthes are too deep. But while I wait, I am playing Lost Odyssey