The first person to yell “SHOTGUN” gets to ride in the front seat. The shotgun caller must be in within clear sight of thecar,and the driver must be able to hear the shotgun call. Shotgun cannot be called until both you and the driver are outside any building you may be leaving. You cannot call shotgun once somebody has previously called it for the ride. First person to call it gets it. If you are picked up first to be picked up you automatically keep it for the rest of the ride. When there is a tie amongst the shotgun callers, there is a foot race to the passenger side door of the vehicle but it is only for the people who are involved in the tie. Shotgun cannot be called in advance, for example while you’re in the car or at your destination you cannot call the return trip until the other rules permit. Once shotgun has been called the driver has the option to reload. A driver can use this to void all previous shotgun calls. It is especially useful in the event the driver doesn’t like the person that won the call. Keep in mind, a shotgun only hold two shots. If there are multiple passengers then after shotgun has been called you can effectively call back left, back right ect. Essentially this leaves the slowest person with the middle seat. If the owner of the car is drunk or for some other reason chooses not to drive, then he/she is automatically given shotgun. Shotgun overrules “baggsies”, “dibbs”, “calling” it and any other slang version of the official calling of shotgun. If the rightful caller of shotgun pulls the door too soon and jams the lock requiring the driver to unlock it again they forfeit all rights to shotgun. However a driver’s girlfriend/boyfriend is not required to call shotgun. Women do not automatically get shotgun, as men and women are created equal. When riding in a two or three door car, it is the responsibility of the shotgun caller to allow them to crawl in on their side, and open any door that is not able to be opened by the passengers in the back.
Sedo sighed. He was walking through the library, looking for a book to read. Casually,he stopped at Myths and Legends sections. For some unknown reason, Sedo had always been interested in the myths of the Gods of old. Sedo walked down one of the walkways , a single finger tracing over each spine. "This is new." Sedo stopped at one book and carefully pulled it off the shelf. The title of the book was "The Gods' Children."
Half-God Username: Gerdneek Name: Sedo Ecitium Age (15-19): 17 Gender: Male History: Lives in an orphanage. Did not know his father was a god. Enjoys reading. Powers (be reasonable): sound (like Yuuki Tenpouin from Code: Breaker)? Appearance: other:... ignore the words in the pic
21.5 cups later...
I am right there with you. it is gonna be the worst 13 days of my life.
one way they could make it better is if they had an online game (like Dragon Age Origins or WoW). you could make your own Keyblade Wielder and do mission to defeat enemies (depending on when it takes place). The more mission you do, the higher levels you would achieve, and maybe you would get access to new armor and Keyblades.
new laptop, terabyte, $150+, 6th Harry Potter movie (2 disc special), Up (with digital copy), Flushed Away, Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Edition, and an Adventure Quest Upgrade Card. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.
Can I have Axel (on the side of the Faithful Org. XIII)
I'm guessing that King Mickey explains about what happened in BBS.
Thank goodness. I didn't want to be Kate.
..... Morning Brian
The feeling I might make
You might be using too many programs at one time.
The world is a big scary place
have earned me this useless degree
4 tv movies
4 years of college
with a BA in English?
What about Pete's son? (I don't really like his daughter in the show but PJ was awesome)
You can always try shooting yourself in the foot. I heard it works