i find it hilarious My male friend doesn't understand
My favoirite is Tia Hallibel, due to her sword and that a female is in the top 3 Espada.
It used to not be for us. Then ( I'm assuming) someone saw me on it. Now it's blocked for being ( If I am correct) "Fun"
And this is why I have a Mario beanie.
Get White Night Chronicles when it comes out. Oh and definately get Arkham Asylum and/or Brutal Legend.
Every time I read your name, I think fart instead of fayt
Which Vexen? When you play as Sora or as Riku?
4th battle with Repliku. In the original and in RE:CoM he is hard.
Don't forget all caps and letters that form a mad face. Those can help too.
All you have to do is talk to Duncan when you have the three vials but you can't have gotten the treaties yet
I used the Contious level up darkspawn blood trick with Duncan.
I am in Orrzamar (totally spelled that wrong) doing A Paragon of her Own Kind. I chose not to help Harrowmant. City Elf Origin, party consists of me (lvl 25), Leliana (100% approval, lvl 25), Shale (lvl 25 and around 23%) and Wynne (25 around 30%) The only reason I am not farther is because of all the side-quests.
Wow... just wow. and I thought Alister couldn't seem any weirder. In all honesty, I haven't even finished the game yet
Morrigan and Wynne FTW!!
Actually, the cutest thing i have seen was my malbari hound biting a guys stomach and the person's blood spilling on the floor.
Tell the teacher you left it in the fridge. Or that your dog used the restroom on it. Or say that you were trying to destroy the world, so your homework had to wait.
Tails. Only because it like like the butt of the coin and I can tell people to kiss my tail.
On Dragon Age Origins, I have 2 human characters and an elf character. But no dwarf character. I feel ashamed of myself for being so racist. Am I racist for not having a dwarf character?
Women's Intuition... Wait. I'm a dude....
Ooh!Ooh! I know who you are! You're a human! Right?