Zexion: no. Luxord: do you smoke? Zexion: smoking stunts your growth. Luxord: so you smoke? Zexion: no!
Zexion: no! I didnt- I- It wasn't- Luxord: Oh please Zexion we won't judge you. Zexion: .......... really I just took what I could.....
Zexion: what? Um.... truth?
Zexion: that's really funny.
I usually go to olive garden for my b-day. I like it there not just cuz of the food but it kinda feels like home.
I know. I don't usually remember these things but my sis told me it was the seventh and it popped into my head.
Happy birthday!
Luxord: go already. Its not like we haven't seen it before. Zexion: I haven't. Luxord: its your lucky day then.
Lxord: all right larxy. Take off you're coat I dare you.
Luxord: so shut your eyes. Saïx: *leaves*
Alright, now you can discuss how beautiful you think yuki is :<3:
Luxord: that counts doesnt it? Saïx: since when are those the rules?
Saïx: I'm not playing. Got it? If I have to stay than ill just sit and watch you play, but I would rather leave. Luxord: are you sure? I was going to dare larxene to take her top off Saïx: ......... No thanks
Cloud: he killed everyone important to me exept tifa and now some effin pirate comes and shoots him and he falls over dead just like that?!!!
Saïx: and why is that?
Saïx: No I don't. If I leave I won't be here so therefore I don't have to play your silly little game.
Saïx: this will not end well. I'm leaving.... Luxord: Saïx is hiding something Saïx: whatever
Luxord: *stifled laughter*
Saïx: not me. Luxord: I wasn't really.....
Saïx: Axel! Zexion: Axel! Luxord: *snicker*