nono seriously next time i definitely want to see you! :C they love to cram all of our exams into one week but definitely tell me when you guys...
hOW WAS DC? O: it was sf cold this weekend i was so upset haha
we need more red on here let's have an all red conversation
Yeah that's the thing, they definitely have so much left to explore and explain there - they made it so great environmentally, etc. but one downside I found about the game was that there was almost TOO much fighting once you get past the intro/getting around Columbia. Literally after that point it's shooting range after shooting range. Moments like Elizabeth singing "Will The Circle Be Unbroken?" and looking around were some of my favorite parts but I wish they expanded on more of the world. Unless something else blows this game out of the water (The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, etc.), I can see it being up for and winning GOTY.
Spoiler: DONT READ THIS IF U HAVENT FINISHED THE GAME THNX I don't think it's ever explained, but from what I gather about the game Comstock had a plan all along. Probably from knowing a bunch of variables from using the Lutece's machine too many times he foresaw this part of the timeline happening. Maybe he doesn't "care" that he is killed because the main decision comes down to the baptism and unless he drowns himself another Comstock will be produced. Booker doesn't know that this has to be done at the time of killing Comstock and I don't know if Comstock thinks that Elizabeth will be able to gain control of all of her tear powers. It never states if he knows that Booker met with old Elizabeth in order to get the note for how to control Songbird so for all we know, that version of Comstock thinks Booker and Elizabeth are in the dark.
Booker ironic.
look at my post count: 1+1+1 x 1 = 3 Half Life 3 confirmed.
About 150 people were laid off from LucasArts after Disney decided to shut down the company down. LucasArts will now focus on licensing games rather than making them. Disney says that their current games could be sold out to a different publisher, though that is probably an unlikely occurrence. Their studio already put a freeze on making games last month so many people working for the company knew it was only a matter of time before they put the final nail in the coffin. It's a shame too, because I was really looking forward to Star Wars: 1313. Definitely the grittier direction that would have fit Star Wars perfectly. You can read more about it here or here.
Spoiler: i hate long school days that are long as hell dsfjkshfkjds
exactly da look i was going 4 B)
meant to mention something about this last night, i lol'd i thought i changed my sig without knowing = u =
no i understand, i'll see how my scheduling/studying exams are really hard tbh and it takes me days in advance to study for them LOL but...
well the sakura matsuri itself is april 13th LOL there aren't any blossoms right now i can tell you that, i was just in DC last week with a...
was thinking about that actually, but i have an exam that monday so i can't go i think
understandable, i don't dig having people mad at me either (haha)
haha that's okay :)
Just in case anyone wanted to check this out, Deep Silver created a survey of sorts asking players what they would want in their Saints Row IV Collector's Edition..besides a bloody torso from Deep Silver's Dead Island Collector's Edition. You can check it out over here. Rate each item on a scale of HELL NO! to AWWWWW YEAH! Some of the things are pretty funny, like the kinky handcuffs. I could always use a pair of those. Source Also, some new information from PAX has been coming in, under the spoiler below is information about some of the superpowers/weapons: Spoiler Superpowers: Speed-running - Run at fast speeds for long distances smashing through cars and people. High jumps - Jump to the top of skyscrapers. Telekinesis - Pick up and throw people/things with your mind. Freeze blast - Freeze people then shatter them into tiny pieces. Guns: Inflato Ray - Seen in the trailer, inflate until people explode. Dubstep gun - Yes, you get to kill people with dupstep. Mech suits - Also seen in the trailer, you stomp around in a mech and shoot guns. *You can also skin your gun - for example, one of the characters had their weapon skinned as a guitar case* Source