I mean, playing Garrus could be okay, I wouldn't "mind" if they did that (you know how much I love Garrus), but at the same time I think they should just move forward with the story instead of taking a side-road. On the flip side - Kai Leng??????? Really??????? He was one of the weakest characters in the entire game (even though they did set him up in Mass Effect Evolution), I don't think I could play an entire game as Kai Leng much less take it seriously. The problem with these ideas is that they are going back to the graphic novels - the Kai Leng idea, the Garrus, Aria, and Illusive Man ideas are all comics that are "okay". I have read them and to base an entire game on something like that just doesn't strike me as interesting as let's say, a sequel would.
pretty much * U *
B) l8 nite skype party feat. drew and julia
when you get it, download all of the free multiplayer DLC for ME3 that's on the PSN store so we can play more locations, enemies, etc. O:
omggggg yay so pumped to play wit chu!!!
lolol punny
to be honest i get embarrassed whenever i look at things i say online even if it's just 2 weeks ago. i'm like...was that supposed to be funny...
omg i remember when we were talking on skype and i read one out loud i could almost visualize you cringing heheh
arigatou, drew-kun ;3;
i got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out today lolcries omg a lot of my nightmares (when i get them) are about college. other times it's about falling...
-haunts ur dreams with my chipmunk face from surgery- lolol
no i didn't LOL what we spoke about last night happened as soon as i got home aka i felt newly revived and rejuvenated once i stepped out of class...
lol omg wow spring fashun looks
watashi wa grunt-chan and today is my first day of school! gomen alex-san, i'm trying to get senpai to notice me under this sakura tree~
yes jfc i need summer haha
Sorry I didn't reply to you yesterday haha I literally fell asleep since I got home and woke up the next morning like lolwutjusthappend? i was on...
yes that would be lovely *u*
omg i know i noticed that too i was like....why am i paying to get off this metro why. you should go to NYC and i'd say hi to you there and we'd...
RIGHT?! the metro is really crazy like the first time i rode it by myself i was like.....get me out of here omg i'm going to die. but i shall keep...