oh i know lol i just didn't want to change it
ahahahahahha very important clothing choices tbh
thank you so much beb!!!!! :***
NONONO don't remind me! Thanks guys (although I just finished my teen years I'm 20 now aw poo LOL)
omg i know this month has been horrible i have had to wake up at 4 am almost every day and have had class until 4 pm and by the time i get home i...
omg 1/3 of my itunes library is soundtracks let's count shall we: x15 Disney x9 Mass Effect x13 miscellaneous movie osts x3 halo soundtracks x4 thatgamecompany osts x5 miyazaki movie osts x2 elder scrolls osts x4 LotR/Hobbit x5 Final Fantasy x2 KH x1 The Last of Us x5 Assassin's Creed x2 Bioshock i prob have more but that's just what i have under my "soundtracks" tag. smh. tbh i like listening to either soundtracks or classical music while i study because voices get sooooo distracting.
night shift LOLOLOL
potato-chan -falls off cliff-
omg when * O *
i'm good too! i hope your summer is going well so far * O *
hiiiiiii bb how are you doing?! n _ n
same lol
sure i can play! i dont have a direct ps3 mic set up or anything (never did get around to that oop) if you want to we can use skype?
aw okie i dont bite (often lol) <3
yay * O * also i love how our conversations now have so much red going on it's like stroking the collective staff ego lol
yesssss sounds good i look forward to it!!!!! i didn't change it!!! it's still mine omg you should have O: #COMEONCAM
the privilege of having me for company :'D
(LOLOLOL CLEVER) omg okay sounds good~ i feel like i've been neglecting skype for some people so we can def do that lol maybe we can round up old...