Search Results

  1. P
    People around me do tend to suddenly become staff members.


    /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
    Post by: P, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. P
    Is that 'Puck' the puck from AMSND?

    Also, I love how mine has an oversized Worry Hat.
    Post by: P, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. P
    What does that say on my shirt? I think it's 'Contract?', but I'm not certain.

    Either way, <3.
    Post by: P, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  4. P
  5. P
    How to Use Audacity

    Getting the Stuff

    Go here and download the version for your computer. (Use the 1.3 series.) Install it in the manner appropriate for your OS.

    Go here to download and save the Mulan instrumental to somewhere on your computer. (Or whatever instrumental you may be using.)

    Opening the Instrumental

    Open Audacity. You'll should see this.

    Open the Mulan instrumental with Audacity. In a Mac, it's File>Open. Navigate to where you saved the Mulan instrumental, and open it.

    You should now see this. There are two tracks, for the two stereo tracks.


    Open the Audacity preferences and look under the 'Recording' tab for the Overdub option. Make sure it is ticked, so you can hear the instrumental as you record. Mine looks like this, but yours may be slightly different.

    Press the red button up top. A new track will begin to record, as can be seen here

    Listen through the instrumental until you get to the part with the lines you need to sing, at which point, sing them. When the song is finished, press the yellow, square stop button. You should end up with something like this.

    Fixing Errors

    Of course, you'll probably screw up somewhere. That's why you can do it multiple times. Click mute on the mistake'd track, as in here. Next, click before the area where you made a mistake and press the record button. You can now sing the part again. When you're done, press the stop button. You'll end up with this. You can do this procedure as many times as needed, until all lines are correct on at least one track.


    Now we have to delete everything except the lines you're gonna use. (You can now unmute any muted tracks.) We want to use the Split Delete tool. You do this by selecting the unwanted lines, as in here, and using Split Delete on it. On a Mac, the shortcut for it is Option+Command+K, but on a PC, at a guess, it would be Alt+Control+K. It will yield this result.

    Continue doing this until you've only got your lines left. Mine looks like this.

    Now we remove the instrumental track too, by pressing the X on the top-left of those two tracks. We're left with this.

    Sending to Jayn

    Now the hard work is done, we just need to export it. Go File>Export, and choose where to save the file. Make sure it is in WAV format. It'll look somewhat like this.

    Ignore this metadata thing that pops up. Just hit 'OK'. Likewise, hit OK on the Mono Channel warning.

    You're done! Now go and upload your file to some filehost, or email it to Jayn.
    Post by: P, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: KHV Chorus
  6. P
    Sforzato, because GOG DAMMIT.
    Post by: P, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. P

    He is Lord English.
    Thread by: P, Oct 10, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. P
    Can someone chuck me the MP3 of the Karaoke version? I'm having difficulties finding a nice one. (Just flick it to me on MSN or something.)
    Post by: P, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: KHV Chorus
  9. P

    Dear What?

    I hope you die in a fire.
    Post by: P, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. P
    Gogogo !
    Post by: P, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  11. P
    Whelp, if we're doing an unofficial question time, I guess that means I'm allowed to do this~

    Impressions of me ages ago?

    Impressions of me now?

    How do you think others think of you?

    How do you want to be thought of?

    Is there a noticeable difference between your offline and online persona?

    Do you chew coins?

    Do you prefer notes or coins or eftpos?

    Was, in your opinion, 9/11 a conspiracy?

    Where do you lie on this QT-cut-short debate?

    Do you appreciate this thread?

    Do you own any of the following: pepper spray, stun gun, self-defence baton, uranium-proof gloves?

    Would you like to own any of them?

    Left or right handed?

    Favourite song eva?

    How far have you read in Umineko?

    Creepiest image you've seen on the interwebs?

    Would you give you own life to prevent a second holocaust?

    In a Plank of Carneades situation, would you survive?

    Favourite completed roleplay you've been in?

    Self-immolation: a valid form of protest, or obnoxious attention-seeking?

    Do you have a sight impediment?

    How do I get motivation to study for exams?

    Favourite flavour of two-minute noodles?

    How did you do your amazing signature htmlage?

    Can I have a link to a basic tutorial for nice text in Photoshop for signatures and the like?

    What is the worst illegal thing that you've done?

    Your stance on legalising marijuana?

    Drink milk?

    Favourite sort of coffee?

    Got job?

    Where does the majority of your income go?

    Mouse or trackpad?

    Laptop or desktop?

    Favourite font?

    Favourite colour?

    Is ASCII the superior format for emotes?

    Favourite emote?

    What sort of cellphone do you have?


    String, percussion or knife: which is your favourite way to kill someone?

    Favourite musical instrument?

    If you could change the colour of the sky, what would you make it?

    Do you kill flies?

    Did you kill bugs for fun as a kid?

    Do you think of past!You and present!You as different people?

    Do you read Homestuck?

    Favourite anime?

    Favourite Visual Novel?

    Does Ever17 get less boring?

    Is it ever worth reading?

    Your thoughts on my catty wall?

    Shoes or sandals?

    Pokémon or Digimon?

    Favourite YouTube video?

    Who would win in a cage-match fight: Jesus Christ or Santa Claus?

    Most nostalgic game?

    Your opinion on this comic?

    Did you open the previous link? :3

    Contract? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Skeletons or zombies?

    Yaoi or Yuri?

    Should Lolicon be illegal?

    Do you give to charities?

    What sort of computer do you have?

    Introvert or extrovert?

    Results of this test?

    Left-wing or right-wing?

    Got zombie plan?

    How do you think you'll die?

    Where do you see yourself in thirty years?

    Kids, yes or no?

    Which video game consoles do you own?

    How did you find KHV?

    Why do you like KHV?

    How many times have you left KHV?

    Would you rather I had not posted these questions?

    How many questions have I asked here?
    Post by: P, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. P
    We must be swift as the coursing river!

    With all the force of a great typhoon! [Candlejack]

    With all the force
    of a great typhoon

    With all the strength
    of a raging fire
    Mysterious as the
    dark side of the moon
    [What?, Andrew]

    My browser crashed SO MANY TIMES when trying to do this. :<
    Post by: P, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: KHV Chorus
  13. P
    self gain bafwel


    The member removal has been postponed for a month.
    Thread by: P, Oct 9, 2011, 26 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. P
    If I find more tape, I will. I may not take a picture of it though.
    Post by: P, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. P
    Especially considering that the wall photo has already been posted over here.
    Post by: P, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. P
    Link to image

    Cats courtesy of:
    Madame Anime/Exquisite Human/What?'s friend
    Lulu's_Moogle (Unnamed Nyan facing left)
    The Graceful Assassin
    Guardian Soul
    Fuzzy B.
    Chevalier (Unnamed Nyan facing right)
    Midnight Star

    Dog courtesy of:

    Refused to provide a cat:

    Excluded due to P's laziness, but will be placed on the wall in the near future:
    Thread by: P, Oct 9, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. P
    Oh, Zter. You're so lovable.
    Post by: P, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. P
    Two suggestions at present:

    1. Abolish the no-editing-post-posting rule. The intention of not allowing contestants to alter their entries based on what their opponents see isn't bad in itself, but the execution is flawed, as it gives an unfair advantage to those who post second, as they get to view the other contestants' posts before they send theirs in, and thus use that knowledge to their advantage when writing their own. Instead, I suggest that you either replace it with a 'No editing after the deadline' rule, so as to allow the early posters the same advantage as the later ones, or you change submissions so they are done via PM instead of posting in a thread, and later get posted by you, so that no one is able to view the others' posts before the deadline.

    2. Get an RP Idol section. If it's gonna be a constant thing, and there are gonna be individual threads for signups, suggestions, each challenge and voting for each challenge, you may as well give it its own section. It'd also make it easier for members to look through past contests.
    Post by: P, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  19. P
    There are many tales of the ocean, but none so popular as those of the exploits of pirates. The lure of piracy attracted people of all kinds, some driven to crime by greed, others by prospects of fame and glory. Some men just wanted the opportunity to rape and murder. The most successful of these ascend beyond the ranks of mortals, into the realms of legend, their cruelty immortalised. This is one such tale: the legend of Faust, a nomad of the sea, said to travel from ship to ship, setting them ablaze before seizing his next vessel, and how he met an extraordinary girl.

    "GRAAAAHAHAHAHA!" Faust laughed, as he took a running leap from the deck of his wooden ship, flames licking at his feet , even as the storm raged, threatening to overturn the burning vessel. He flew over the wild ocean, and landed a blow with his staff on the chest of a sailor of the opposing ship, following through with both his feet. Despite being over four times older than the young man, Faust was well-built, and had no problem knocking his unfortunate victim over. Grinning like a madman, his ashen beard illuminated by the lightning, he bent over his prey and latched onto his neck with his sharpened teeth. He pulled back violently, and chewed for a moment, before spitting the remains of the throat out to the side and licking his lips.

    Slave ships were always Faust's favourite to attack. They had a healthily-sized crew, and on top of that, enormous numbers of sub-humans. So many lives for him to relish. The last time he'd been on one, he'd quickly killed the standing captain, a man called Tobias, before converting the ship into a gladiator arena, in which the slaves were forced to fight each other for their freedom. That time was a great deal of fun, until a brother and sister by the name of Kurosakii refused to kill each other. So instead he was forced to change the game to one where he removed a limb-a-day for the next two months. (Ironically, that proved to be more entertaining than his first idea.)

    He was contemplating what sort of games he'd play with this one, when he heard a cry from the side of the ship, followed by a splash.

    "There's nothing we can do; He's free! We have to abandon the others!"

    Faust hurried around, only to see the crew of sailors in a ramshackle row-boat for an instant, before the darkness of the storm and ocean swallowed them. Disgusted, he wandered inside the hold of the ship, trying to find the slaves. Disappointingly, he could only find a bird cage with a blue-haired girl the size of his palm slumped down the bottom of it. He roughly spat a mix of tar and phlegm onto her, trying to check whether she was even alive. He saw her arm twitch, so he roughly grabbed her and shoved her into his pocket, on the rationale that she may be some fun to nail to a wall later.


    The sound of metal-on-metal, that of a cage opening, rang out through the storm. Faust looked around, trying to determine where the sound had come from. Then...


    The entire ship groaned with pain as the trapdoor in the floor of the hold flew eight feet in the air and lodged itself in the ceiling. A lumbering behemoth of a man rose through the hole, holding a large axe and sword. His eyes were bloodshot and red, his bare chest a field of scars. Lodged on the base of his sword was the body of a member of the crew who failed to leave at the same time as his friends. His head turned, surveying the room. His eyes met those of Faust, and narrowed to slits. He threw back his head and roared. He lashed out with his battleaxe at Faust in a fury, striking the floor in front of him, sending chips flying into the old man's face.

    Faust held his ground, and looked into the berserker's face. In it, he saw himself, half a century ago, merciless and savage, interested only in death. He knew there could be no reckoning with such a beast. It would undoubtedly massacre every living creature on the ship. Were he fifty years younger, Faust would consider attempting to defeat the man. As he was now, he knew there was no hope. He didn't even have a weapon; he had learned to forsake them along with his previous voyager, only taking his cane. Holding the Viking's gaze, staring him down as he would a bull, he slowly moved backwards, hands feeling for the lantern on the wall.

    As soon as his hands felt the cold touch of the metal, the Viking stepped into range, axe again raised. Not missing a beat, Faust clasped the lantern and hurled it at his feet, before turning and fleeing. a large plume of smoke rose behind him, shielding him from the beast's gaze. Through the cabins, in the crew's rooms, along the halls, he would grab the lanterns and throw them to the floor. He laughed, as with each lantern, a small fire ignited. Admittedly he usually waited for a new ship before torching his current one, but at present he did not have such a luxury. Instead, he chose to entrust his life to the weaving of the fates.

    Ten minutes later, he was standing on the bow of the vessel in the rain, listening to the chorus of screams echoing from the depths of the ship. He inhaled deeply, savouring the smell of burning flesh, and watched as the remains of his previous ship burned down to a smouldering wreck.

    Twenty four hours later, he was adrift, clutching a single plank for life. Somehow he had survived the storm, and was now enjoying a calm sea breeze, and waiting for a new cargo barge to come along the trade route and take pity on him. He paid no attention when he felt something rustle around inside his jacket pocket and merely assumed it was a rodent of some description. He received quite a surprise when a minute blue-haired head emerged, followed by an equally proportioned body. Not to be caught off-balance, he struck up friendly conversation with her, and resolved to refrain from harming her, at least until he got some nails.

    After four days, he had learned that her name was KHV-tan, and that she'd been captured by the crew in order to be sold as a novelty item. She didn't seem to share his passion for torture and murder, but nor did she pay any less attention than when they talked about anything else. His only complaint that he was getting incredibly thirsty. He was beginning to weigh up the pros and cons of decapitating his companion's head and drinking her blood to sustain him when all of a sudden—

    "Hey, what's that?"

    Faust looked off into the horizon, where KHV-tan was pointing. Squinting, his eyesight failing him, he gruffly asked, "Whaddis it?"

    "I'm not sure, but I think... I think it's a boat."
    Post by: P, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  20. P
    Please, please, please sign these.
    Post by: P, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone