Last time I did it, I got ENTJ, but I've had varying results.
My lines.
End it at a suitable point. Either at a cliffhanger, or at something akin to world-completion.
It is a testament to the entrants' ability that I could make a viable argument for voting for each of them. All of them have their strengths and their weaknesses, but on average, in my eyes, the contestants are on fairly even footing, quality-wise. As such, the decision for who to vote for relies less upon sheer skill of roleplaying and more upon personal preference. For these reasons, I cannot proclaim with certainty that my choice is made without bias; indeed, I will be critiquing them based upon my own enjoyment. Terra254, your post went for a simple RP-post structure. It didn't try to be anything it shouldn't, it didn't run too long, and it didn't do too much at once. If this were an RP, yours would be the easiest to interact with, and for that, I commend you. Structurally, you're fairly safe. Your weaknesses, on the other hand, were your formatting. Your 'normal' font was great; I loved it. It was nice and easy to read. Then you started messing about with sizes and the like. At most, have a different colour for speech. If you're feeling extravagant, use a unique colour for each character's speech. Don't mess about with the other stuff though. The centring of the text is a bit shaky. Sometimes it works, but most of the time, it doesn't. Best not to do it. For your writing itself, you make a lot of silly errors, mostly involving commas. Put spaces after your commas, and don't capitalise after them unless it's a proper noun (someone's name). Once you get these basics down, you can start playing about with your narrative style. Firekeyblade, yours is the opposite of Terra's. Get some formatting in there! The default forum font is boring. It tells me to do no more than skim your post. Make the font and colour interesting! Also, break up that paragraph into a few smaller paragraphs, as it's too long. Again, I just wanna skim it. Likewise, you should highlight speech with a different colour, so if I do skim, I can easily see what I need to read. Once I've done that, I might actually read your story entirely! As it so happens, I did read your story entirely. Perhaps it's just because I know you, but I can definitely see your character shining through in this entry. The humour is lighthearted and the characters are likeable, overall making for an enjoyable read. Whether or not this would hold true for those who don't know you is another question. That said, everyone liked how you set up for the viking's entry, and didn't just say "lol viking" and leave it at that for his introduction. As with many things, the climax didn't match the build up. Perhaps it's just me, but the imagery of holding someone down with legs is fairly weak in my mind. I'm undecided on whether to award you P-points for getting away with breaking the rules. On one hand, you implemented Tobias well, and you got away with it. On the other, Britishism did the same thing, but owned up to it, thus earning morality-points. I suppose you played it relatively safe, and chose to slip by the judges' eyes, instead of risking potential disqualification. So yes, I will commend you for it. You've got my vote. Midnight Star, I want you to know that light pink and teal on a white background looks absolutely terrible. That said, AFAIK, Sforzato and I are the only ones still using the April Fools' skin, so you probably made the right decision. On a more serious note, you need to stop the run-on sentences. In your stories, to an extent, it works. However, they do not work in a modern setting, let alone an RP. Please allow me to introduce you to my friend, the semicolon; I'm sure you'll find him very applicable. Here is a nice tutorial on how to use him. Also, check out the rest of that site. It has super neat things, like ways to abuse hookers. Maka, like Terra, you've overused the colour tags. It makes things difficult to read or focus on. If you're going to do the coloury thing, then at least be sure to use line breaks. In other news, your post is long and good, but I found it fairly dull. From your short piece, what you seem to do really well is snarky dialogue. For me, at least, that's what's most entertaining. The non-generic conversations you include are enjoyable to read. If you were to include more of them and less narration, I'd like your posts a great deal more. Master of Keyblades, the only complaint I have with yours is that there's nothing that captivates me about your story; there's nothing I find particularly interesting about it. It lacks flair. You don't do anything -wrong- per se, but in much the same way, you didn't do any more than necessary. I found that to be your primary issue. Marushi: I'm getting sleepy. It's 4am. I liked the bolding of speech. The viking's accent was very nice. I'm a sucker for accents that aren't ridiculously over-the-top. Your story developed the characters, and presented an interesting view on life. The deux ex machina of Mao's victory makes me wary, but I think you pulled it off. I thought that there was a strong possibility of you winning the round. My only advice is to type it up in a word processor, or at least hit ctrl-a, then ctrl-c regularly to get your work stored on the ciipboard for a backup plan. Tummer: Sleepyness increasing. Is the question-mark key on your keyboard broken? You never use it. Please remember it. That's about it for you. I'm feeling light-headed. Fuzzy B: Thanks for the vote, you're a great guy, but it's 4:30am and your entry is massive. I'm sure it's fine though. Ace: I'll tell you this right now: it's clear that your target audience is not people awake at 4am. There is not a hope in hell of me reading that right now. I might do it later, when I can think straight. TL;DR I'm voting for FKB, for her superb rules-evasion. I also want to see how she'll improve over the rest of the competition, etc. If more of a justification is needed, I'll write an essay on it. Just not now.
Yo. Thanks for the critique for round one; it really highlighted where I should improve. Aside from thanking you, I wanted to mention that...
Do I spy a certain witch-loving girl in your signature?
Sure. I've sent you an invite to the group. The password to the chatroom itself is changed weekly, and is posted in the group. The current one is...
let's play
Because you're using the old one. The one only good for repping autoplaying messages. :p I vote we either use the orchestral version or the original, with Utada backing. I'd also be okay with Claw's one.
No, that's Nyan cat. :p
Yes, depending on how you define 'racist'. Personally, I think of it as the developers intending to deliver a message based on generalisation of race, and not any other attribute. This is where it gets fuzzy, because you're playing with intent. Firstly, it must be proved that the race-generalising undertones exist at all. Secondly, the actual intent of the undertones must be established as being a reflection of the authors' ideologies. Essentially, almost everything ICSP/Chaser mentions is true, in terms of the content. The only place I will deny is that of the Orks; they are based off of cockney British, not a stereotypically black dialogue. So if the undertones exist, do they reflect the ideologies of the authors? I do not believe so. The setting of 40k is primarily grimdark. The parallels between the Space Marines to the Nazis is uncanny, but it is not to deliver a message of 'the Nazis were right'. Instead, I believe the intent of the message is, "The Nazis were horrible, but they were small-fry compared to what humanity has become". While the Space Marines are portrayed as the humans, and are thus considered 'the good guys', this point of view is the one that the readers choose to take due to empathising with the Space Marines as humans, not due to the one being forced upon them by the developers. The other races do portray characteristics of modern-day races, but they are never outright and entirely said to be 'the bad guys'. Tau are communists, and they use clean giant robots. Certainly, it sounds Asian or Oriental, and yes, they are enemies of humanity. However, the players are encouraged to empathise and even play as the Tau. The Codices of the individual races do not portray them negatively. They are given heroic attributes and narrative, just as the Space Marines are in their own codices. As such, we cannot conclude that the intention was to render Asia in a negative light. The same can be carried over to the idea of Chaos, only slightly differently. Space Marines use tactics against Chaos highly reminiscent of tactics used against the Jews by the Nazis, but Chaos lacks suitably Jewish attributes for it to be argued that the intent was to promote anti-Semitism. It gives the Nazis too high a status to credit them with the conception of genocide. To put it another way, Nazi Germany never released propaganda of "How the successful Jew made lots of friends and lived a successful life". The propaganda was purely derogatory. The material in 40k does not portray the fictional races so one-sidedly.
Have you tried re-syncing it by holding the red button in the SD area, and the battery area in the Wii-Remote? They occasionally become unsynced.
Hello everyone. Just thought I should drop this off in here, as it was such a lovely story, and I'd hate to see it go unfinished.
Halloween when we're only halfway through October? self gain bafwel ↪ As Voxli is currently out of action, this will be the substitute chatroom until Voxli comes back online. ↪ The rules are the same as the rules for Voxli, with the addendum of keeping any video broadcasting clean. ↪ For now, accounts are not mandatory, but if we continue to use this, they will become so. ↪ There are advertisements, so it'd be a good idea to get Adblock Plus or its equivalent for your browser.
ICSP <3< Makaze.
Ty's a Mike clone, and Mixt provides Kingdom Hearts videos for Kingdom-Hearts-Videos.
PopZero .
[video=youtube;2OxWD85Ngz4][/video] Looking forward to her new album. And it's not even <3<
>Requires soul gem >Has no soul That said, I'm sure we could work around that in the contract. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\