cascade .
Wow .
wat I don't see it on his Twitter page, but I see it in your link. And yes, I've reloaded.
Lies. There's nothing on the Twitter or the tumblr. -downloads anyway-
Ohey gaiz. There's a livestream of it floating around tumblr. Here it is, I believe. Haven't checked though. I'd rather view it normally.
Newgrounds is down. I got to 39% before it crashed.
That's all.
I tend to look them over for anything more concrete than "don't be an ass".
Hussie closed Formspring. He now has a Tumblr. So far he's made a post about the hosting problems of the EoA5, which I find alternatingly frustrating and hilarious. Yeaaaah. EDIT: EVERYTHING IS GOOD. LIFE IS AMAZING.
9 .
Spoiler Did I post this already?
Hmm. Such a mentality, while noble, isn't particularly beneficial for you. If you feel that you must try to help, may I recommend that in future, you try to do so in a way that won't cause more conflict? In the long run, it could be better to allow things to run their course. In trying to stop the initial fight, you could inadvertently spark a conflict between your friend and you, creating more conflict than there would have been if you had not intervened, or at the least, interfered so forcefully. If we're going by a utilitarian viewpoint, I'd argue that stepping in caused more total harm than if you had not. You see, the ex expects such treatment. After all, he cheated on her. It's nothing surprising or out of the ordinary, and thus, ironically enough, not as personal or hurtful. On the other hand, you stepping in to take his side is uncommon. Your friend would not expect that from you. As a result, even if more harm to the ex was avoided, the total harm received by persons could potentially be greater, as your friend is surprised and hurt by your betrayal.
In the ex-boyfriend's eyes, you were correct, as you were defending him from insults and attacks that were, in his mind, unwarranted. In your friend's eyes, you actively chose to oppose her and side with a person who backstabbed her and hurt her. In siding with him and protecting him, you betray her trust in you. I won't pass judgement on your morality, but I will say that for your own wellbeing, I suggest supporting your friends. It's not worth putting your friendship on the line to defend someone you are not close to. You don't necessarily have to actively partake in the attacks, but I see no reason to go out of your way to place yourself at risk for the ex-boyfriend's sake. To actually state that you are on the side of the ex-boyfriend is to risk losing far more than you can gain. You're wrong when you say you didn't have a choice. You had the choice of doing nothing, and letting it run its course. Alternatively, you could have instead tried to coax your friends away from the fight without choosing such a confrontational method. You had other options, but you chose not to take them. From what I can tell, this was a mistake in terms of personal benefit. Whether or not it was morally correct isn't for me to say.
Spoiler She had to go.
Spoiler They're not THAT bad. :3
Spoiler We had no choice. We had to do it.