KHV-tan tentatively made to step over to the proffered hand when she discovered that doll shoes did not provide good friction with hair. She slipped off his scalp, flailing around for balance. She eventually managed to clamber up by gripping his hair and using his eye socket as a foothold. At last she was sitting on the palm of his hand. She'd replied, "I'm KHV-tan! Pleased to meet you!" when a sudden memory struck her. She recalled Faust sternly warning her, "Never ever talk to a stranger. Men are strange creatures; they desire to touch and have sex with you." Now, KHV-tan wasn't entirely sure what sex was, but from what she'd heard, it involved the woman becoming very fat, and even blowing up. She also knew that right now, the strange man was asking strange questions and strangely touching her with his strange hand. So she did what she'd been taught. She opened her mouth and screamed, "GO AWAY YOU PEDDLER FILE! I DON'T WANT TO SEX WITH YOU!"
lord english News: ↪ It is time for the monthly inactive member removal. Anyone who does not post in this thread by 11/11/11 will be removed from the group. ↪ Suggestions for both passwords and Movie Nights are welcome. (PM passwords to me.)
Have you had a look at the PM you were sent a while ago? By the way, that profile glitch is happening to you, unless for some reason you set...
Do a YouTube unboxing.
Three hours. It had been a whole three hours since Faust had left her on the roof of the internet café and promised to return within fifteen minutes. KHV-tan had already tried to befriend the birds – to no avail – and was now examining an odd metal box filled with wires. She gave an experimental tug, and fell back in shock when a wire came loose, spitting sparks. "Waaah!" she cried, landing on her rear. She got up and brushed herself off, a tad shaken. She glanced over the edge of the building to look for Faust, when she saw him: a young man staring up at her, bewildered. Conveniently, there was an electric cable of some kind extending out from the building, leading directly over him. Seizing the moment, she grabbed a stick from the gutter, took a running leap and hooked the stick over the cable, holding onto either end. "Look out! Here I coooome!" she hollered , as she slid along the cable and went flying feet-first towards him.
Name: P Favourite subjects: Homestuck (Aimless Renegade, Vriska, Karkat) Pikachu Umineko no Naku Koro ni (NOT EP8) Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Saya no Uta Swan Song Painted Walls (VN) Nevada-tan Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Kyuubey) Yume Nikki Cave Story creepypasta drawn and signed picture of a cat Crack-pairing short story/fanfic
IIRC, the last time this was done, the moderator posing it was able to check IPs, rendering the anonymous system flawed. It's probably the same now. Oh well. Submitted.
The joker glasses. I cannot identify them. At all.
Wrong. I take off my human suit.
Nah, I got it sorted. It's the Remainder Theorem. (Which, may I add, is a canine of the fairer sex.)
<3< .
Fuzzy, I'm gonna vote for you this time around, because I found your humor to be enjoyable. I particularly liked the bait-and-switch of the voice in his head turning out to be Lizzy the entire time. It was a fairly short and sweet entry. Indeed, my only criticism is that the first paragraph felt mildly unnecessary.
We've got ICSP, Arch, Pyro, Absol and Firekeyblade. We're missing Repliku and *TN*. That seems to be a pretty good ratio to me.
Watched it; was bored. It's kinda gross, but as horror, it really doesn't cut it. They're just people stuck together to pander to a certain fetish market. Even then, it's rather lacklustre. Not nearly graphic enough to properly qualify as scat porn. Overall, I wouldn't recommend it to people, if only because I feel it's greatly overhyped.
And it just so happened that he had this lovely message to be delivered. Soyeah. CnC for Maki pl0x.
Who're we missing? We've got a fair few people together now.
Oh! Oh! Can I help? Here's the list I got.
Agreed. So trust me on this when I say that EoA5 is NOT overrated. Silly Claw. Spamzone isn't post-counting, so there's less effort required to post. It means it's more a conversation, rather than mini-essays.
Vol. 8 is out? Vol. 8 is out. brb buying Vol. 8. Back. Bought Vol. 8. Downloading.
Spoiler: EOA5 Was the green sun destroyed? It certainly didn't look destroyed. In fact, I'd say it looked created. Yes. I think Dave and Rose just created the Green Sun. Oh, and everyone still has Green Sun powers.