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  1. P
    Are we all in cahoots? As in, do we all IC know who the murder is? Are we all trying to cover up for him/her, or are we simply trying to defend ourselves/tell the truth?
    Post by: P, Nov 7, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  2. P
    Loxare, you're really beginning to bug me. Not because of your personality or anything like that, but because I don't recall seeing you around, yet now I'm seeing you everywhere. You don't act like a newbie, and you've been here since '09, so I ruled the newcomer thing out. At first I thought you were some other member with a changed name, but nope, no luck there either. It's quite disconcerting to have you materialise out of nowhere. Not that I'm implying that I'd very well ask you to dematerialise or anything similar. That'd be plain unconscionable.

    So hi. Pleased to meet you.
    Post by: P, Nov 7, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  3. P
    Ohai. Am I too late to the par-tay?
    Post by: P, Nov 7, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. P
    Profile Post

    Just as planned. :33

    Just as planned. :33
    Profile Post by P for Firekeyblade, Nov 7, 2011
  5. P
    But you aren't beaten. You're simply antagonised. And now you two are in a beautiful argument.

    Sforzato, this blackrom needs no Auspistice. I vote that us two back off and leave the couple to their business. :::;)

    Post by: P, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. P
    I'm over the singing thing for now, but if I were to get involved again, I'd like this.

    As a question, would you be singing Matryoshka in English or Japanese? I know Jayn translated and sung it herself a while ago.
    Post by: P, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: Project Casting
  7. P
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Princess Celestia again.
    Post by: P, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. P
    She hit the concrete pavement. Hard. Pain flared as her leg buckled with a sickening crack. However, she didn't scream. She knew that Andrew would help her and make everything better. After all, in just the short time she'd met him, he'd endured her eccentricities, and had even gone so far as to buy her a bottle of water for her wounded hand, so she didn't cry out. She merely looked up at the person she had come to trust and rely on, wordlessly seeking help.

    No help came.

    In a matter of moments, he'd transformed. The Andrew she thought she knew would have helped her, would have picked her up and given her a sling. The Andrew in front of her didn't even notice her injury. Instead, he blamed her for everything from the café internet to his college troubles as she tried harder and harder to bite back the tears. Finally, unable to conceal her agony, she turned her back and began to limp away, tears flowing freely.
    Post by: P, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  9. P
    Kanaya <3 Anyone male
    Kanaya <3< Anyone male
    Kanaya <> Anyone male
    Kanaya c3< Anyone male

    Because tumblr drama.

    My serious ships are Davesprite x beta!John and Vriska <3 Tavros. Rose x John and Vriska x John are equally cute in my eyes. Ideally I'd have Rose as a <> and Vriska as a <3, but that'd be messy soyeah.

    BTSDLB has me as a Vriska <3 Karkat fan. Eventhoughhedoesn'tdeserveher

    Oh, and ψiioniic <3 The Battleship Condescension.

    By the way, check the version of the forum.
    Post by: P, Nov 5, 2011 in forum: Literature
  10. P
    You could upload it to something else, like Megaupload or another video site.

    Post by: P, Nov 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. P

    (What is it?)
    Post by: P, Nov 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. P
    Scared, hungry and mildly burnt, KHV-tan didn't have the strength to resist. She obediently took the opened bottle of water from Andrew with both arms. She leaned it over, trying to pour a bit onto her hand. unbalanced, it fell on its side. KHV-tan threw her entire body onto it, gripping it tightly. Her efforts were rewarded; it didn't drop, but a cascade of water shot out from the bottle under her weight, directly into the satchel hanging from Andrew's shoulder.

    KHV-tan smiled with relief. With the majority of the water gone, she was easily able to turn the bottle around and dip her burnt hand into the cool fluid.

    "Aaah..." she sighed contentedly.

    She was so pre-occupied, she didn't notice the large number of disgruntled patrons leaving the café. She also didn't notice the café owner step outside, inspect the roof, curse, and put up a sign saying, 'Closed; Internet down'. She definitely didn't make the connection between the wire Andrew had tossed away and the sudden internet outage.

    Post by: P, Nov 4, 2011 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  13. P
    Oho? This looks interesting. I think I'll see where it goes.

    To start off on the completely correct foot, I'm for vetoing the inclusion of anyone not familiar with Homestuck. It'll be hard enough to get the mechanics figured out, even without people utterly clueless. Then there's the wacky-time-shenanigans and the other session.

    Elitism aside, getting the stuff figured out could be a real pain. I'd suggest getting one person to plan out all the time loops and allocate loops for individual players to fill.

    As for the Pesterchum and other cool stuff, here's a generator for pretty much everything, and here's Pesterchum.

    Pesterchum works like an IRC client. In fact, it's built upon that system. It is for both Mac and PC, so there are no problems there. It can do memos, timeline-hopping, quirk-automating and pretty much everything the real thing can do. Overall, it's pretty awesome.

    I'm nominallyChallenged on it.
    Post by: P, Nov 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. P
    Stone-cold fear seized KHV-tan like a snake. This was the sort of man Faust had warned her about: a wrapper peddler file, only interested in her body. To make matters worse, this one was a mad scientist! Even now he stared down at her hungrily, wanting to unwrap her and eat her whole! She was so caught up in her terror that she didn't notice the red-hot wire she was still holding in her hand. Then, all of a sudden, she did.

    "Gedditoffgedditoff pleeeeaaase get it off!!!" she begged, spinning around and around in Andrew's hand, trying to release the wire from her chubby fist, gripping tighter with fear, in turn burning her hand more, causing her to become more and more frantic in a self-feedback mobius-reacharound of Hussie-riffic proportions.

    Dizzy and distraught, she collapsed in his hand, still clutching the wire from the rooftop box. She looked up at him with eyes the size of dinner plates, overflowing with tears, and asked meekly,

    "Please Mr. Peddler File, please help..."
    Post by: P, Nov 4, 2011 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  15. P
    Added everyone in the thread.

    Post by: P, Nov 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. P
    Ghosty, try getting on in the weekend. You'll find it a tad more active.

    Alternatively, grab random members in our timezone and pressgang them into joining.
    Post by: P, Nov 4, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  17. P
    Sweet. I've ascended to Zter-tier.

    Although I'm a tad curious as to what gives you that impression. would you mind flicking me a few examples, either via here or via the Ask feature of tumblr? I'm whenthepikachucry.
    Post by: P, Nov 4, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  18. P
    Are you trying to sound like Jiminy Cricket, or Ed Caroll, or the original Japanese seiyuu?

    Do you eat toothpaste?

    Have you ever accidentally set something or someone on fire?

    Are you sick of the constant comparison-to-Caroll questions?

    Have you seen any anime? If so, which ones?

    How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

    Does your voice come in handy for party tricks?

    If Pinocchio says "My nose will not grow due to this statement", will his nose grow?
    Post by: P, Nov 3, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. P
    That video is horribly inaccurate.

    There's no flaming over sexual erasure of Kanaya and/or John.

    Apart from that, it's pretty close.

    Post by: P, Nov 3, 2011 in forum: Literature
  20. P