absooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're alive!!! :'DDDDDDDDDDDDD
boo .
YUS THEY ARE ASDFGHJKADORABLE! :333 It's the most random thing tho, having them living on my campus. hahaha I'm studying Biology...which will...
:'3 I'm glad woman...and ICSP says "HI". YEAH! KILL IT AND SET FIRE TO IT!
I'm sophmore in college now. It still isn't all that great...aside from that family of duck that lives on my campus. :lolface: pffft! you're...
I remember when life was like that...seems like it's been forever. xD soooo senior now huh? HOW FUNZ! :3 Set fire to the little freshmen!
how's you? =]
i've been uber busy with job and college...i basically had no life till now. For a week, i've nothing to do, starting the 21st, class is on again. ;~;
Waifu <3.
*tackles & pins* Gotcha! :3
Long time no talk... Hope things are going well for you~
Aw, hope you get well girly~ and kick butt on the testing! xD and well, i see she's been doing a real good job...unlike me. xDDD Lovely~
I'm lovely~ Just enjoying my week off. xD how are things going? vavcation? Hai there? :3 Long time no see~ o: that's amazing...too bad i wasn't here to set fire to it. D:
>.> *shoves* teeheee!!
hi there! =] I'm good...my semester ended so i have a whole week off before classes start again! :=D: And you? how you doin'?
hi there. :3 how you doin'?
So...after a reckless abandon, what did I miss?
I'm alive...somewhat. :lolface:
Oh my... o: Thanks Mel. I was about to make the poll. xDD How long were you anticipating this QT? Favorite color? 5 ways prevent wildfires?