What's all this PINS thing?
ah, thanks for the request love. but i dunn accept requests. ;3 lol
we're working on it... and jean...well, she's super busy with finals and her job and everything. idk when she might be back...
lies!!! D: ....right?
heeeeyyyy!! *hugs!!!!!!!!!* i knowww i came back~ I missed you too lovely.
So...basically if a said person is not a white straight male, then the said person is no longer normal?
Shaaaaadeeeeesssss!!! Hi true blood buddy.
lulz .
D: YOU UNDERESTIMATE MEH? THE GREAT PYRO WITH TEH FUNKY OH? I'm never wrong! My name is "pee" "wai" "arr" "phi"! Pyrɸ! I am always right.
I am totally on MSN. You just need better vision. I would also like to make another accusation... I accuse Tikem of being shinigami 2. since this is my second accusation...here's my proof: I read it on the updates.
idk what a cleverbot is. /fail. :.-.:
In my opinion, making out, kissing and other close contact should be reserved for intimate couples only. It holds a great value since it is a form of affection between two people, and casual makeouts seem to take that respect out of that affection. What respect would be left in affection if the beauty of it was taken out by making it seem so casual? And people question why relationships are so short these days? Why wouldn't it be if people only think of these affections as something so simple enough to brush off. Intoxicated or not, "practice" between two best friends or not, or even if it was just spin the bottle, a kiss is a kiss, and once it has been given out, you cannot have it back. Making out, and kissing is meant to be affection, not casual encounters.
well that totally narrows everyone down. :B|: I accuse Pika of being a shinigami. o: /hopes i am right
:.-.:I love fire, so i named myself Pyrɸmaniac. But since everyone called me Pyrɸ, I shortened to that. The phi, "ɸ" is just for omfg indiviuality. Because there can only be one "Pyrɸ with teh funky oh" and i kick ass. and probably stalk you too. :.-.:
Bwahahahahahahaahahahhahaha~~~~ hells yeah! :3 amideadyet? Idk who knows my name. NOBODY :lolface: 'cept pika...cuz he's got pika powerz.
I am intrigued. I wonder if iGod...or what's-it's-face can do this. o:
Chiiiii~ *points* HIDEKI!
Everything is lovely...i finally have my own room. and curtains. hahaha! i think i gave my neighbors the best gift of all. Bet they all saw me...
By the powerz yer right! I need new avvy...hmm... i need to do some updating. from the looks of it, i'll be hanging round khv more often. maybe....
o: !!! i do know who you are! and i certainly have stalked you. tho i don't think we talked as much. o.o