WOW~ Grats on moving out! :3 Community college or wetn straight to Univ? But yeah...this place is both a good distraction and a place you want to...
Wow...very creative and well written. I'm glad you went with the Krogan. They certainly had more of an advantage over the Orks. Now what's next?'re the first to figure out her breed. I'm VERY impressed. Yes, she is a Maine Coon. But I think she's a Maine Coon mix. I found her off the streets. ;~; Maine Coons seem to have longer fur and are extra fluffy. She seems not so fluffed up as I see them on the internet. Nonetheless, I adore her little tufts. Those are BEAUTIFUL pets. I wanted a black and white cat like that. :3 And Jess and Ziggy are just as adorable!
I'm really not sure. But I've been consistent in coming back regularly to check in and talk to people...and waste time. But I don't want to say...
Omg...more poeple need to post thier wee ones here~
Oh man. I definitely put the PRɸ in Prɸcrastination. I've been playing Final Fantasy XII, KH:Com and FF: Crisis Core Well it's certainly been over a year. Mainly because I'm rather distracted. As well as busy. My tendency to ignore the game when I'm stuck tends to be the 2nd biggest reason it's been taking me so long to finish them. I've my ego where I avoid walkthroughs, so the frustrations can get to me...and then I'd disappear from the game for few months before returning. Here's hoping I finish them all this year. I highly doubt still.
well... My "favorite game" changes every so often. It's usually the game I would happen to play at the moment. And currently, it's Final Fantasy XII. It's a great game, and I think more poeple should play and appreciate it a little more. It's got a great story, GREAT characters and not overrated like FF VII. Well, that's my opinion anyway. Other than FFXII, I love the KH series, FF Crisis Core, The Naruto game series and most Super Mario oriented games.
Little Dreams --- Ellie Goulding
*huggles* :3
I missed you too! ;3're too HOT in Florida! No wonder you pulled a disappearing and poofing act. :3
Oh, that's lovely. :D Art is always lovely to pursue. Keep at it. Then you can give me some pointers on how to color. lol Sketching and shading,...
REstarted. o: I cannot take credit for this awesome, thread? or...uh. thing. I believe it was Kitty who started it first. I think. But anyway, since you do remember who I am, what was your first impression of me? Favorite flower? You've a bucket, a pile of banana peels, a bottle of blood, Kair's skirt, black nailpolish, a toy rat, and some onion paste. What would you do with them (in one scenario/setting/time). B] Name 8 things that can be made with plums. Who's on fire? Do you play any ports? Who do you miss most from the former members? Which is your KHV [spamzone] moment?
Won't be an improvement.
Forrest .
Do you know who I am? B[ List all the name changes you've ever had. Are you a red plum, or a yellow plum? How do you feel about peaches? Can I make a pie out of you? Make rap song about plums in 5-6 lines.
...I'll have agree on the latter. xD I miss the simplicity. I hated the people during HS too, but I was pleasantly surprised I missed putting up...