I also voted for Xaldin. That would be hilarious.
Remember when Namine's talked about "if its connected to another memory, she can't endure it?" I was thinking that the "other' memory belonged to Roxas, and "she" meant Xion. And also, remember, she had the kingdom key keyblade. I have a feeling Roxas got it from her.
Now that I have seen the subbed trailer, (thanks again Andrefpvs, lol) I have the very odd feeling that Xion is Sora's real nobody. Did anyone feel the same?
I don't personally know her character yet. However, I still feel the presence of this idea in my head: she might Sora's real nobody. Watch all the trailers (try to find the subbed ones) and think about it.
Xibar, because his attitude is a lot more broader than Saix, and he likes to have a good time.
Thanks for the subbed vid, Andrefpvs!
I posted this story for a site called gamelair.com here is the video trailer I found (not off screen): http://www.n4g.com/ps3/News-216485.aspx
It does look more promising, but this is the thing that will fill in most of the holes, you know? I am dying for this game, no doubt. Thanks guys who found it.
There is no doubt that is awesome. Good job. I will probably fetch you up on some sort of reference if you can't do it. Just tell me if you can't do it through a pm, and I will get started trying to find it.
That's true, but not only that, take a look at the screen in that guys sig. Triangle and circle are used for using things in the menu, so square must be too. Beginning with Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, they started using the x button as jump, so x should be jump. Then as you said, the shoulder buttons should be the camera, and then that leaves the analog/joy stick thing for movement. Who knows what the direction buttons are used for. Thats my guess.
Hey Guys, you did a great job. Now Kingdom Hearts Machinima can be made! YAY!
Wow, thanks! I have been needing this.
http://rapidshare.com/files/143537432/bn_sgiantcabinet.zip.html That is the download link to my giant resource pack. Not everything is mine, in fact, the only stuff that I DID make was most of the sigs. Some of the sigs aren't mine, even some that have my name. I even think there is one of iMusion's (of Fusicart.net) sigs in the download. Yep, its the long tongue Japanese dude sig. Please give credit to where credit is due. There are also xcf files, and are in the "Gimp Takes" section. I also made those btw. Those are for GIMP users only. If anything is wrong, just tell me here. Thanks, and enjoy the download. Guys, btw, if you need some recourses, THIS is where to get them. Trust me, this 128Mb monster house has ton of things you can explore.
Thanks man! Glad you like it.
They are not going to do this. The last time someone contacted them by mail, they said they had no plans on doing so. 358/2 days has nothing to do with this as well. 358/2 days is a ds game, not a ps2 game, and its coming out winter 2008. Sheesh, you guys take rumors WAY to seriously.
Who in the world is he? Anyway, thanks.
some C and C will do.
I say COM Definitely. Especially The COM remake on the PS2's one.
Does Anyone Like? Some C and C would be good.