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  1. blacknumbers
    I don't know if you can do my steps that I said with jokers.

    jokers is a man-made custom tactic.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. blacknumbers
    well, I don't think it was the difficulty that made it too short, in fact, I personally think it was too short on the story.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. blacknumbers
    hey, I am requesting these codes:

    Goofy wields a keyblade

    Donald wields a keyblade

    thanks in advance.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. blacknumbers
    then you need to buy swap magic coder sometime. Its the best when using codes for imports.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. blacknumbers
    test it with a different code machine, other than the one that you are using.

    You can actually get different effects when trying out different code machines when you are using it with imported games.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. blacknumbers
    OK, I need some assistance:

    (for people who know how to do this by the way...)

    1. switch goofy's model with roxas's model with copy code (give me the copy code for that)

    2. switch goofy's moveset with roxas's moveset with copy code (give me the copy code for that)

    3. the universal weapon mod for goofy

    If I can get all 3 of these, then that means that I can figure something out, and finally make a code(s) that I have been wanting to make.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. blacknumbers
    Yes it is totally possible:

    1.put the disc in, and copy all of its files to your hard drive.

    2. using ps2dis, load up the slus of the game that you just copied

    3. with ps2dis, go to each address of your selected code and edit the value, and make it look like the code

    4. save it

    5. take the copied files and burn them to a disc.

    (remember, all the addresses in ps2dis start with "0", so make sure that you know that when the code is made, the coders put "1" or "2" in front of their codes. Make sure that you look for the actual address.)
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. blacknumbers
    hold on, I'll make the fional version of the entire code, which should fix that problem.

    EDIT: third version of this code:

    my roxas ally code (replaces goofy):

    51c95730 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c95750 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    1032e248 0000????

    ???? = weapon mod digits (but try 01f2)

    for the record...THIS IS MY VERSION (thanks to the person who made the original code)

    what I changed: the voice is completely gone now, because I cannot find the right thing.

    did the universal weapon mod work?

    EDIT: until further notice, this code does not work.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. blacknumbers
    I need an ACTUAL CODER to tell me that, if at all if I have to.

    oh, well, Idk.


    EDIT: second version of this code:

    my roxas ally code (replaces goofy):

    51c95730 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c95750 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    5036d928 00000008
    0036d8d0 00000000
    1032e248 0000????

    ???? = weapon mod digits (but try 0152)

    for the record...THIS IS MY VERSION (thanks to the person who made the original code)


    what I changed: the voice of goofy is now roxas, like it was supposed to be, and took out the first line (another line might be put back in its place, not for sure yet.)

    EDIT2: Whoa....this just gave me the verge to make a universal extra ally mod. brb, lol.

    edit 3: until further notice, this code does not work.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. blacknumbers
    Your making this harder than it seems.

    Lets just leave it like this, the code works. If you want a true definition for the role, than ask someone else who knows more. I have tried already explaining it, but I can't explain it well enough.

    And I know for a FACT that its just the role that I changed in the first line, and not anything else, so stop telling me different.

    I need an ACTUAL coder to tell me if I need the first line or not. I am starting to have my doubts, too.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. blacknumbers
    no, its just the role.

    Roxas is in the party, WTH? That's the point of the entire code I just made: to make him a true ally that replaces goofy.

    the effect of it is that when you change the role, he has the effects of goofy, like for instance, when you need goofy for something, you can actually use him, though I don't know what use it will do, considering there isn't much to do with goofy exclusively, but its just preparation just in case he is needed.

    anyway, here is the entire actual code just in case anyone wants to read it from here (sorry if I am going against the rules posting it twice):

    my roxas ally code (replaces goofy):

    11c9572c 03000001
    51c95730 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c95750 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    1032e248 0000????

    ???? = weapon mod digits (but try 0152)

    EDIT: until further notice, this code does not work.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. blacknumbers
    I am totally sorry, didn't read it right.

    actually, its not. it gives roxas the role of goofy, which is awesome.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. blacknumbers
    the universal weapon mod for goofy (thanks to who ever made it) and I just switched roxas's role with goofy's.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. blacknumbers
    here are some codes


    My successful made codes:

    pj roxas (short version):

    11ce0b68 00000059
    51cb87d0 00000020
    01c95730 00000000

    DW pj roxas:

    11ce0b68 00000323
    51cb87d0 00000020
    01c9f630 00000000


    Codes needed testing:

    my roxas ally code (replaces goofy):

    11c9572c 03000001
    51c95730 00000020
    01c95850 00000000
    51c95750 00000020
    01c95870 00000000
    1032e248 0000????

    ???? = weapon mod digits (but try 0152)

    for the record...THIS IS MY VERSION (thanks to the person who made the original code)
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. blacknumbers
    Yes you can. I wonder if he is talking about like the roxas ally code x 2?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. blacknumbers
    how about riku's limit!

    but hey, lets get back on the subject of cheats.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. blacknumbers
    Thanks Erks, good code.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. blacknumbers
    I don't think you read my post. I could already do that in 3 lines, but I was trying not to do it with the UCM.

    11ce0b68 0000005a (to bring out roxas, then the other part of the code modifies him)
    51cb87d0 00000020
    01c95730 00000000
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. blacknumbers
    oh it worked; I got Enni to test it out over a pm, but your right, it messed up, but it was almost successful.

    It was another dw pj roxas code. I had already made it (short version if someone else made it), but that time I was trying to accomplish the same task without using the UCM.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. blacknumbers
    I have tried, but my gameshark 2 won't exactly work with imports due to switching the disc out so much.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Code Vault