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  1. blacknumbers
    Too long? Looks like someone is lazy.

    Why couldn't you test it?

    If you didn't use the last line, I was hoping one of these two things:

    1. Valor would only have 1 keyblade (right hand)

    2. Valor would have both keyblades, the left keyblade being valor's keyblade that you set it to via the menu.

    The reason why I made it long like that is because:

    1. Adding everything that I put into the code looks like that (because that's the code, lol)

    2. I wanted to avoid the stuff that I didn't/don't know about.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. blacknumbers
    OK then. I will try to fix my own code. Try my code out with valor sora and without using the last line. I have an idea.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. blacknumbers
    I need NeoCloudStrife to figure it out. Like now. I have tried to pm him, but he won't respond (probably I have talked to him millions of times, lol).

    We need to find away to get it to work.

    Someone try out my code, use a DW ally, but don't use the last line. I think I can find the problem from there. If not, I may have an idea.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. blacknumbers
    well, that's my code, and that's all I really know how to do.

    Anyway, the DW allies should work, but it doesn't, but the last line, the weapon mod of left hand weapons for dw people (in this case, allies) is probably the thing that won't make them work (its the only thing for DW characters exclusively, within the code), because as DeadHeart told me, it freezes when they pull out the weapon. Why? Can anyone fix it?
    Post by: blacknumbers, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. blacknumbers
    Now that I just received a message from DeadHeart saying it worked fine, I should receive "its not working" complaints for my code. So w/e it is, there is nothing I can do considering that the code works fine. I don't plan on making changes to it at all whatsoever.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. blacknumbers
    oh, ok. I just thought he meant in replacing anything with anything. got it.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. blacknumbers
    That's probably what he meant.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. blacknumbers
    Wow, good invention JLHack7, sweet.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. blacknumbers
    Exactly, my version of the ally code (only works in hh2fm) works that way as well. Like you said, ANYTHING can be replaces with something else. Terra can even be replaced by sora, like so in this video:
    Post by: blacknumbers, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. blacknumbers

    Anyway, NeoCloudStrife, can you please look at my code, and fix it. I got a report saying that it gets BSODing. See, you know for the fact that the code is just really compiled from codes (ex. weapon mod) and code formats (ex. Copy Coding), so it should work.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. blacknumbers
    actually, they aren't different codes, it the same thing, basically a mod itself, that I called the universal extra ally mod. Its like a bunch of different codes in one.

    EDIT: if anyone discovers problems with the code (which there should be absolutely none), please pm me.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. blacknumbers
    I would like to have some cheat codes for this game too.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. blacknumbers
    Yes, it is possible to play as hooded mickey, but don't have any one of those codes on me.

    EDIT: I have now added limit sora and lion sora to my universal extra ally mod code, found on this page:
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. blacknumbers
    Yes, actually there are, but they don't work quite that well. The only one that I know that DOES work well is playing as boss roxas, but its DMA (inside the room where you fight him).
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. blacknumbers
    Nope not at all.

    If you just want the regular sora to be an ally, I made the code to where he will be just like he is.The last line is used fore giving the left hand weapon to duel wielding characters, and if you look at the sora lines, it takes out the last line and says that you don't use the last line.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. blacknumbers
    Nice video, my friend. I hope that you continue to make more videos like this one.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  17. blacknumbers
    I am voting for mcain.


    1. I do not believe in just serving the rich

    2. Obama even said himself in the past that he wasn't ready to be the leader of our nation

    3. Obama hasn't servered in senate for a whole year (considering that the senate only goes to the senate place or w/e you call it half the year)

    4. Obama's ideas of "a perfect church" scare me, because its just racist to white people.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  18. blacknumbers
    Ok, guys, instead of making another dumb version of my version of a roxas ally code, I thought I tune things up a little...

    Introducing - the Universal Extra Ally Mod code! YAY! it allows you to use people like sora, his drive forms, roxas, and dw roxas, as party members that can either replace donald or goofy. This code has been tested. Thanks to Enni for testing some things I needed testing (not including the ACTUAL code test, I tested that), NeoCloudstrife and EvilMan_89 for answering my questions, the person who made the original ally codes (yes, this is only my version of the ally codes put together) to the people who made the "goofy wields a keyblade", "donald wields a keyblade", and the weapon mod cheats, because they are included in this giant cheat to give the chosen extra ally a keyblade(s).

    And I promise, its 99% sure to work.

    Here it is:

    universal extra ally mod:
    5vvvvvvv 00000020
    0aaaaaaa 00000000
    5wwwwwww 00000020
    0bbbbbbb 00000000
    2ccccccc xxxxxxxx
    0ddddddd yyyyyyyy
    1eeeeeee 0000????
    1zzzzzzz 0000!!!!
    to switch from:
    donald (Equip Mage's Staff before)
    a = 1c957f0
    b = 1c95810
    c = 036d8c8
    d = 036d8cc
    e = 1CD46B0
    goofy (Equip Knight's Shield before)
    a = 1c95850
    b = 1c95870
    c = 036d8d0
    d = 036d8d4
    e = 1CD4848
    to switch to:
    v = 1c954f0
    w = 1c95510
    x = 61726f73
    y = 00000000
    do not use last line
    valor sora
    v = 1c95550
    w = 1c95570
    x = 61726f73
    y = 00000000
    z = 032EE24
    wisdom sora
    v = 1c955b0
    w = 1c955d0
    x = 61726f73
    y = 00000000
    do not use second to last line
    z = 032EE5C
    master sora
    v = 1c95610
    w = 1c95630
    x = 61726f73
    y = 00000000
    z = 032EECC
    final sora
    v = 1c95670
    w = 1c95690
    x = 61726f73
    y = 00000000
    z = 032EF04
    limit sora
    v = 1cbd2d0
    w = 1cbd2f0
    x = 61726f73
    y = 00000000
    do not use second to last line
    z = 032EE94
    lion sora
    v = 1c9c8d0
    w = 1c9c8f0
    x = 61726f73
    y = 00000000
    do not use second to last line
    z = 032EE94 
    anti sora
    v = 1c956d0
    w = 1c956f0
    x = 00000000
    y = 00000000
    do not use second to last line
    z = 032EF3C
    v = 1c95730
    w = 1c95750
    x = 61786f72
    y = 00000073
    do not use last line
    dw roxas
    v = 1c9f630
    w = 1c9f650
    x = 61786f72
    y = 00000073
    z = 032F01C
    ???? - weapon for single wielding or right hand of duel wielding characters, use universal "character" mod digits (ex. 0067 = kingdom key)
    !!!! - weapon for right hand of duel wielding characters, use universal "weapon" mod digits (ex. 01f2 = bond of flames)
    After tons of thought and acctual testing (which it worked then also), this should work. However, the only thing I haven't gotten tested is wisdom form and anitform, but considering that, because they are forms, there weapons are considered left hand. That's why when you see the kh2fm weapon mod, you see anti mod and wisdom mod under the left hand category (not that that's the only thing that makes me think that they are left hand, I have seen it proved somehow else). If that's wrong, a coder needs to change that; its on the front page of this thread.

    EDIT: Limit form sora and lion form sora have been added! Also, I have tested wisdom form, and he seems to run fine. That means anti form, lion form, and limit form should work fine also.

    This code only works on kh2fm. Thanks!

    NOTE: since the "goofy wields a keyblade" and "donald wields a keyblade" codes are in this one, all of its rules has to apply to this also. It says this code only works in normal worlds. (I am guessing that means everything but halloween town, tron's world, and "steam boat willy", I am not really sure, I tested this code out in hollow bastion)

    EDIT2: for now, don't use anything besides roxas, and sora. I have been told they don't work unless you leave out the last line, but you only get 1 keyblade. wisdom, limit, anti..I have no clue about them...

    EDIT3: now it is perfectly safe to use wisdom, limit, lion, and anti , but you can't use the last line and you have to use the second last line, modified for sora. You can also use valor, master, final, and DW roxas, , but leave out the last line for them (so it doesn't crash), and you won't have the second weapon, but they are still good allies. Until then, DW characters can't be really "DW" allies until a code is made.

    Right now, things are getting confusing.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. blacknumbers

    thank you! but hey, if you find any more digits that allow you to use diifferent keyblades, tell me alright?

    EDIT: nvm, I see where that digit comes from! Thanks!
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. blacknumbers
    Btw, these codes have already been made, right? I am pretty positive that they have been made. I saw a video of goofy wielding a keyblade once.

    and also, well....since I have already bumped this up, I guess its safe to say....I desperately need these codes. please.
    Post by: blacknumbers, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault