The world is half full, in my belief. In a literal since, it is getting bigger every day with its population, and technical advances. In the real way you mean it, I believe it is half full as well. Beauty has never been so fulfilled in a way that it just works with everybody. Hopefully you get what I mean. Things is this world, are amazing.
The size is 1920 x 1200, so I might be to be for your computer. Here is the direct link: ^ That up there, if you saved it from there, will give to a crappy resolution. To actually DOWNLOAD it full sized, click on this: Hope you enjoy. You got a year or so before the drop expires.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. People do it all the time, and for the most part they don't know they are doing it. They are to busy talking to more popular people. Every time they do it, I feel sad. It makes me feel like they don't think I am cool enough. But I stay happy. If they don't want t to talk to me ever, then they aren't friends on my list. What do you think can be the next car fuel? I have always wondered why scientist havn't created a wheel-powered electric engine, you know, when the wheels turn it gives energy to the car, similar to a hand-crank flashlight?
Very good job on covering that. Forgot about that.
The Bible doesn't say EVERYTHING. Remember, Moses wrote this.
In my opinion. Dead Space. It is probably one of the most scariest games I have played in a VERY long time, and I am talking about ACTUALLY scarring you. Plus, the way to have to kill aliens is awesome (ripping them apart).
This is definitely more going to the Disney. You throw anything with Disney, you call the product a Disney product, or at least that is how it seems to me.
That was REALLY cool. I hope for you to make more.
Go to to listen and download my song: Sweet forest. You can also view and download the readme called readmenow, saying that I created the song. I'll get back to it and put under the sites I am from. Sorry about not including it; I totally forgot about this site in general. It won't be today when I edit the readme, but possibly tomorrow. I welcome all types of comments. Please Enjoy. The song was made using Magix Music Maker 14.
Can anyone give me the sora and roxas as ally codes?
I would like these codes: 1. Normal Roxas and normal Sora as allies. 2. Characters can't say stuff (like during battle) 3. Command menu and health dock-thing don't show. I know there is a code of this. Oh, and can any body tell me if any boss uses a weapon slot, and if one does, can you tell me who it is?
Where do you live (like what state and town)? I want to see their websites for myself.
No, radio isn't all music, but also talk radio. Oh, and if you don't have anything to say about radio, don't post. Anyway, can't wait for twilight radio drama comes on. only 8 minutes. EDIT: nvm, I stated the thread as a question, so your post is legitimate.
Oh cool. So what is it about?
Where do you live, and where you do listen to it? on an actual radio or online somewhere?
Do you like listening to radio? If you do, what radio stations to do you listen to? I don't care what country you live in, just tell us. I listen to radio stations based around Tennessee (Nashville specifically, since I live in Columbia): SuperTalk Radio (99.7, Nashville) The Buzz (102.9, Nashville) Jack FM (96.3, Nashville) Oldies Radio (101.7, Nashville) I will post more if I do listen to more. Right now, I am waiting for the Twilight Radio Dramas to come on after this political talk radio show gets done, which right now is good.
Thanks a bunch man! I worked hard on this. I thought it wasn't worth it, but I tried it, and it worked! Again, thanks.
Does anyone like? Some CaC? Thanks in advance!
I am sorry to bother you guys about this, but what would happen if I gave riku (partner) the role of Terra?