Why? did you read the video's description? anyways Code: Sephiroth replaced by NEO CLOUD E005FEFF 0034D45C <- Jokered to L2 button 11C24740 000008F9 11C6C4EC 00000BB8 01C6C670 000000BF 01C6C674 00000040 01C6C698 000000A0 E001FDFF 0034D45C <- Jokered to R2 button 11C6C4E8 00000BB8 Just go to Sephiroth's battle and hold L2 in the cutscene, then skip it. Then lock on to cloud and press R2. Then unlock and lock on to him again. That will refill his health. So dont push R2 while you are in battle after that, or he will have MAX HP again. For those of you who have beaten him already here is a warp: E005FBFF 0034D45C <- Jokered to L1 1032BAE0 00000104 2032BAE4 004B004B 1032BAE8 0000004B
Sephiroth replaced by NEO CLOUD E005FEFF 0034D45C <- Jokered to L2 button 11C24740 000008F9 11C6C4EC 00000BB8 01C6C670 000000BF 01C6C674 00000040 01C6C698 000000A0 E001FDFF 0034D45C <- Jokered to R2 button 11C6C4E8 00000BB8 Just go to Sephiroth's battle and hold L2 in the cutscene, then skip it. Then lock on to cloud and press R2. Then unlock and lock on to him again. That will refill his health. So dont push R2 while you are in battle after that, or he will have MAX HP again. For those of you who have beaten him already here is a warp: E005FBFF 0034D45C <- Jokered to L1 1032BAE0 00000104 2032BAE4 004B004B 1032BAE8 0000004B
sure, but I only can try it at Friday, Saturday and Sunday only...
Ah! I forgot :yelling: Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members 3XM1-H40W-MAZR5 UW03-8MTJ-7P6BW Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 7JJZ-UH6N-0Q6B7 4NCY-0Z30-JTXWD
I don't know about all Keyblade, but, about drive... I recommended you to use both of this code: Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members 201C9A80 0000102D Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 201C99A0 0000102D So, You can Drive Without them, AND Drive with them and they won't disappear.
Hey! That's Amazing! thanks! I can't wait for This game!!!
NeoShadow I think, One of my Fav heartless...
No, I only have KH2 USA, and KH2 FM, sorry :nono:
Try it from another area, not always Crystal Fissure.
Whoaaa!!! 2 Games In the same Time?? Dissidia and 358/2 days??? that amazing!! anyway, thank you for the information :D
here : No MP Charge FZVB-DD47-2QR3N UY2K-AFZZ-CPBF1 1000 Heartless Fight (Jokered R2) HB86-A18C-H90BU 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU JXRA-J1QF-PUXCU 6MA2-K4CJ-60N6J Low Game Time PU9X-3H0R-N0GQ6 T99X-3N2J-87KN2 3GVU-QJ4E-PAMJE UCM, sora=limit form YGND-8333-4UA0R 2FY9-WQQK-CDXVH Enter on the menu within battle RR6H-M7RH-5DY7U HZ4U-R99G-WX7HM RCEW-FZK1-A1YQ6 Warp to sephiroth EXXK-VFW9-6BPNV 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU KHAK-UH64-ZNTAT ZCC9-K7GF-HVWG0 and I don't have 9 bars, maybe Free Drive? Free Drive MGQA-JJ4B-RGFPB 6DZ7-0WFZ-DG983 ADUW-9W1J-KZFT0 Which code do you want?
I've told you before, why you are lazy to view some page back? Code: Christmas Town Costume (R2) E003FDFF 0034D45C 21C954F0 58455f50 21C954F4 5f303031 21C954F8 00004D58 Code: chip > Mickey 11C53894 00000764 dale > Mickey 11C53AD4 00000764 Donald > Mickey 11C6CC22 00000764 Goofy > Mickey 11C6CC24 00000764 Skateboard > Pete 11C535C4 000006BC or Skateboard > Pete 11C535C4 000006BB help what?
Christmas Town Costume (R2) E003FDFF 0034D45C 21C954F0 58455f50 21C954F4 5f303031 21C954F8 00004D58
chip > Mickey 11C53894 00000764 dale > Mickey 11C53AD4 00000764 Donald > Mickey 11C6CC22 00000764 Goofy > Mickey 11C6CC24 00000764 Skateboard > Pete 11C535C4 000006BC or Skateboard > Pete 11C535C4 000006BB
BBS, I wanna know about History of Khs
His power is awesome, but I don't like the nature of him :xp:
Hold R2 when you pause the cutscene, don't press R2 yet when you are not in Pause mode, and select skip cutscene, don't release R2 until the battle starts. Riku (R2) E008FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100
Zexion's Hair, Roxas's Eyes, Demyx's Weapon, Looks like Emo with Sitar huh? :xp:
I don't know about it, maybe It will be, that would be cool. :D
yes I do, :D
I mean Which shortcut? Circle? Triangle? We Usually using AR MAX and Codebreaker Donald has Sora's Moveset 01C95836 00000001 Goofy has Sora's Moveset 01C95894 00000001 if didn't work, try old moveset mod instead Donald has Sora's Moveset 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010002 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Goofy has Sora's Moveset 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010003 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Christmas Town Costume (R2) E003FDFF 0034D45C 21C954F0 58455f50 21C954F4 5f303031 21C954F8 00004D58
which Shortcut do you want?
I like both, Storyline are great The gameplay is amazing! I CAN'T Decide :xp: