Using the Full Party Code and modiying Sora (Digit is 00) to be other forms (04-09) and then reverting makes you invincible. I tried that when I forced Sora to always be Final Form when I fought 3 Terras and then I hit revert. Same thing happens with the other forms (Antiform's revert won't work when there are enemies though).
189 is finishing plus.
I just had a thought... why not put synch blade on sora with a 8 in front of the ability... maybe it might force Sora to use 2 keyblades?
If you are having troubles with putting Sephiroth in forced battles after beating him then it must not be a coincidence. It happened to me to when I forced Sephiroth into battles after I beat him already in KH2FM too!
Infinite Jump Codebreaker version also does not work. :(
I can try that out soon...
I think that's a PS2 Memory card file for PCSX2 (PS2 emulator).
Oh man you beat me to that movelist modifier... anyway イルクズ's code is more detailed and translated properly since I didn't understand that much of how the code works except that it changes your status to another character. :P
Try this dump (KH2FM+... it supposedly contains Roxas' stolen keyblades since I saved it after getting it.) Offtopic: I started logging in here again since Codemasters-Project's site is down...:(
That was fast! Thanks EvilMan!
Antiform looks great... first time I've seen Antiform in Christmas Town.
I would have posted this at codemasters-project but they're down for the longest time so here goes... just something I found on a Japanese site but I don't know who hacked it though since the site didn't leave any names of who hacked it. They are in RAW format though so use MaxConvert if you want to change the format to your liking. Sora Can Summon When Alone 201C9B5C 0000102D Btw can someone port these KH2 codes made by Khkid1212 to work with KH2FM+? Code: Infinite jump 2019089C 00000000 Big 20368920 3FA00000 small 20368920 3F000000 WAY TOO BIG! 20368920 40000000 HUGE 20368920 3FC00000 Finally Kinda big 20368920 3F900000 Cannot enter any world 201D32D4 24020001 Sora will NOT talk in battle 2037b888 61786f72 Roxas will NOT talk in battle 2037b8f0 626d6973 2037b8f4 00000061 Donald will NOT talk in battle 2037b890 626d6973 2037b894 00000061 Goofey will NOT talk in battle 2037b898 626d6973 2037b89c 00000061 Mickey will NOT talk in battle 2037b8a0 626d6973 2037b8a4 00000061 Auron will NOT talk in battle 2037b8a8 626d6973 2037b8ac 00000061 Mulan will NOT talk in battle 2037b8b0 626d6973 2037b8b4 00000061 Aladdin will NOT talk in battle 2037b8b8 626d6973 2037b8bc 00000061 Jack Sparrow will NOT talk in battle 2037b8c0 626d6973 2037b8c4 00000061
Infinite jump 2019089C 00000000 Big 20368920 3FA00000 small 20368920 3F000000 WAY TOO BIG! 20368920 40000000 HUGE 20368920 3FC00000 Finally Kinda big 20368920 3F900000 Cannot enter any world 201D32D4 24020001 Sora will NOT talk in battle 2037b888 61786f72 Roxas will NOT talk in battle 2037b8f0 626d6973 2037b8f4 00000061 Donald will NOT talk in battle 2037b890 626d6973 2037b894 00000061 Goofey will NOT talk in battle 2037b898 626d6973 2037b89c 00000061 Mickey will NOT talk in battle 2037b8a0 626d6973 2037b8a4 00000061 Auron will NOT talk in battle 2037b8a8 626d6973 2037b8ac 00000061 Mulan will NOT talk in battle 2037b8b0 626d6973 2037b8b4 00000061 Aladdin will NOT talk in battle 2037b8b8 626d6973 2037b8bc 00000061 Jack Sparrow will NOT talk in battle 2037b8c0 626d6973 2037b8c4 00000061
Well with too many combo plus it takes longer to do finishers, and well if you prefer to use magic it may use too much magic when casting especially with Thundaga taking 18 MP instead of 15 in KH2 and having 120 MP on critical instead of 140 on other modes.
Well Antiform is not so bad once you modify one of the Forms to be Antiform and have someone to heal you while you're at it.
You're welcome! :)
Fighting Pete, Hades, Sephiroth, and all the Org. XIII members are my favorite bosses to fight.
He was only hard at first because I didn't know how to beat him and the 10 forms within 10 seconds was usually why I lost.
Have you tried playing around with the menu...? Tthat's what I did even though I don't read and understand Japanese.
Square-Enix was probably too lazy to add soft reset... it would have been nice if they also added Limit Form and Antiform on Genie's form drive select too.
I still have that video on my PC... good thing I didn't delete it. I can upload it for you if you want. :P EDIT: Here you go!