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  1. smartguy_05
    I haven't personally tested it myself roxazthelight. Maybe later or tomorrow... kind of procrastinating at the moment. ;)

    Btw, good thing Erkz translated what the new reaction mods are founded by Syoudyous. It makes it a lot easier to understand the new reaction commands for those who don't read Japanese for this game. :P
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. smartguy_05
    Great find! I'm sure a lot of people would love to try these out including myself.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. smartguy_05
    I didn't know about that for Ultimate Sephiroth Code. For the Ultimate Boss code with party members, it affected slot 4 for me giving Riku 7000 HP (same amount for the boss).

    Btw here is what I used to joker the current HP for Ultimate Boss.
    Ultimate Boss (Party) Current HP Mod L2+R2
    D034D45C 0000FCFF
    11C6C018 00000D48

    Use this for Ultimate Sephiroth or Ultimate Solo Bosses.
    Ultimate Solo Boss Current HP Mod L2+R2
    D034D45C 0000FCFF
    11C6C4E8 00000D48

    Please do note that using the jokered current HP mod will restore their HP to 17 full HP bars but it is good for bosses who do not normally start off with 17 HP bars. Use it at the start of the battle for best effect. 200 HP per bar/ max is 17 HP bars.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. smartguy_05
    I sometimes play my PS1 games like Dino Crisis though I prefer it on the PC for faster load times and better graphics. It also extends my PS2 len's life. :P
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  5. smartguy_05
    I think all of them are important. It's probably just a matter of putting all the pieces together.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. smartguy_05
    Great scans! These games are looking good.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. smartguy_05
    Hmmm I wonder why Twilight Xemnas won't work... well no problem! I made a video with Ultimate Larxene though I tweaked the elemental resistances to very high instead of immune. :P
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 26, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. smartguy_05
    Btw... I found out that the Ultimate Boss code (with party works even on solo battles IF you have a full party (like Donald and Goofy with you). I tried it with Axel when I had a party of Cloud and Leon and it works. I also tried it with Sephiroth. This may also be the reason why this code doesn't work for Twilight Xemnas since you don't have a full party.

    Resistance for Ultimate Boss Party
    21C6C1C0 ??????64 the first 3 pairs of ?? may be for Fire, Ice and Thunder element resistance. Order may be wrong though.
    21C6C1C4 0064???? the last 2 pairs of ?? is for Light and Darkness element resistance (confirmed)

    Apparently Sora has light element attacks to which is Explosion, Magnet Splash (air finisher), Magnet, and Reflect.

    Sora's only dark element attacks are his finishers as Antiform except his ground finisher where it only activates when there are a lot of enemies near Antiform.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 26, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. smartguy_05
    Btw, does anyone know the exact amount of HP there is in one Full HP bar? I would like to use the ultimate solo boss/ ultimate boss (one with party members) and mod the max HP to have 17 bars.

    Nvm, I found it... 200 HP = 1 Full HP Bar.

    Can someone also port this?
    Final Xemnas Mod
    Current HP
    11C94CA8 0000????
    Max HP
    11C94CAC 0000????

    01C94E30 000000??
    01C94E34 000000??

    21C94E50 ??????64
    21C94E54 0064????

    Uh, and the obligatory
    Ultimate Twilight Xemnas
    11C94CAC 00002EE0
    01C94E30 00000080
    01C94E34 000000FF
    21C94E50 00000064
    21C94E54 00640000
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 26, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. smartguy_05
    Thanks for porting the short cut mods... I've been wanting to try this out for quite some time now.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 26, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. smartguy_05

    Hey I know why the infinite jump is glitchy when used with other drive forms. The code apparently equips all your growth abilities even when you unequip it. I was able to glide with all of the forms. Jumping T-stances when done on the ground for all forms except Valor Form because the code also has high jump automatically equipped. Other than that the code works. To be able to jump infinitely with other drive forms except Valor form you must be airborne (try doing attacks that make Sora go in the air or receive hits that makes Sora become airborne) before you try the infinite jump. If this was already known then I guess you can disregard this information since I remember just hearing that using it with drive forms is glitchy without much explanation as to why.

    Offtopic: Anyway, just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 25, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. smartguy_05
    I see... sounds like a cool code! Thanks for clearing that out for me nontul and Antiweapon!
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. smartguy_05
    Since that code makes all of your moves finishers does this mean its now possible for Characters like King Mickey to defeat bosses or it only works for Sora?
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. smartguy_05
    Final Fantasy
    1-3 47%

    Kinda hard to make out the bottom lines... that was totally unexpected.

    Btw Anti... you can improve the pic if you recorded it as an avi using MJPEG codec or uncompressed, use deinterlacing while your at it and then with a program like media player classic you can take a screenshot from the video.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. smartguy_05
    Perhaps it had a data overload? That happens randomly for with just 3 data axels. As for the different colors... I have no idea. I just noticed it when I took a screenshot when I was recording a video. I was thinking about trying 5 Groundshakers but I figured that it would just be laggy since that is one huge heartless.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. smartguy_05
    I've been testing the hall of cornerstone object mods to see just how far can you push the ps2's limit depsite the skateboard mod not working.

    Hall of Cornerstone with Thorns (old news, happens randomly) can pause but you're stuck.

    Tried it with 5 Zexions but the game hangs when there are many books around you. Knowledge is power!

    Mod Donald and Goofy with 8D1 (Riku from Xemnas Final Battle), Modded save, Chip & Dale to 3 Axels (Twilight Town Battle 2) with the Battle Lvl on Lv97 in Disney Castle. Apparently it lowered Axel's Health instead of raising it.

    I tried doing Session but 1 Riku left and the other did not even bother to help Sora in the Combination attack so it freezes when you are about to initiate Phase 2 of the combination attack (sword attack and shooting those dark balls).
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. smartguy_05
    Oh I see... btw has the FM version of driving in whatever costume you want been ported? I only saw those codes for KH2.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Nov 26, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. smartguy_05
    Hey I everyone! I found a way on how to drive to your forms when you are using a costume with Sora since I don't recall seeing a code that lets you drive as the costume you are wearing (Thanks to Antiweapon, khkid1212, evilman_89 and the other hackers for finding the codes to do that,). Use the following (this example is for Christmas Town Sora, of course you can just mod the digits to the corresponding costume you want like Halloween Town Sora, Space Paranoid Sora, etc.) to be able drive into the same costume without the game freezing.

    World Oathkeepers are Ultima Keyblade (mod the last 3 digits to the keyblade of your liking using UCM digits)
    11CD4524 0000077B
    11CD4B18 0000077B
    11CD4CA8 0000077B

    UCM for Christmas Town Sora (Forms) (Mod the last 3 digits to the corresponding costume you want)
    11C6CC28 00000956 (X-mas Valor)
    11C6CC2A 00000957 (X-masWisdom)
    11C6CC2C 0000095F (X-mas Limit)
    11C6CC2E 00000958 (X-mas Master)
    11C6CC30 00000959 (X-mas Final)
    11C6CC32 0000095A (X-mas Antiform)

    Use/Equip Item to Have XX Amount in Stock
    201A3444 240D000A mod 0A to ?? digits you want (0A=10)
    201A355C 240E000A mod 0A to ?? digits you want (0A=10)

    As for normal Sora just use UCM code to be Christmas Town Sora. For the drive forms, give the Oathkeeper to Valor, Master, and Final Form weapon slots by using codes. By doing this I was able to use drive into Christmas Town (insert form) Sora. Wisdom, Limit and Antiform can be used okay as they don't have a 2nd weapon.
    I only used Limit Form and Antiform in this video though.

    If there is code that will let you drive with a costume change without freezing that will be more convenient! :P
    Post by: smartguy_05, Nov 26, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. smartguy_05
    Dude that was sweet! I would love to play as Christmas Town Sora (FM only) or any other version of Sora in other worlds.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Nov 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. smartguy_05
    Try this one:

    Inf. HP
    200C0000 8C830238
    200C0004 8C810004
    200C0008 0023100B
    200C000C 03E00008
    200C0010 AC820000
    201A1948 08030000

    The only downside is that if you receive a 1 hit KO from an enemy due to low defense you will still game over (damage received is 50 HP, assuming that 1 hit can deal that amount of damage, but Sora's Max HP is 40 = Game Over.)
    Post by: smartguy_05, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Code Vault