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  1. smartguy_05


    I had MUGEN for 3 years. It was really cool but I didn't have the time and hard drive space to update it anymore and decided to just delete it. The good old days... :P
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  2. smartguy_05
    It might be a big file due to the audio being 5.1 LPCM audio and LPCM is an uncompressed audio format which takes up a good amount of space in exchange for superior audio quality providing that the recorder for the audio is top notch.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  3. smartguy_05
    Currently playing KH2FM+, Persona 3, and Resident Evil Outbreak File #2.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. smartguy_05
    The games are region free but not the UMDs. If I had a PSP I would definitely give FFVII CC a try.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. smartguy_05
    Nice... I can't wait to get my hands on FFVII Crisis Core, but first I need to save up on for a PSP. XD
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  6. smartguy_05
    Can someone please port this code for FM+?
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. smartguy_05
    Try this:

    1032f228 000002A0

    Make sure you lock on Roxas; also do not set it using the Reaction Command Modifier as it will not work.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. smartguy_05
    Yes! My video is ready! Here you go... I think you guys will find it quite interesting with the reaction command and status mod codes on. :P
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. smartguy_05
    Hey guys! I just thought I let you know that the shortcut mod and the reaction command modifier both have their pros and cons when it comes to its usage with custom reaction commands. Some reactions like 2A0 = The End (Roxas's keyblade) will activate on the shortcut mod but not on the reaction command modifier. Combination attacks work better when activated on the shortcut mod since it will give you the correct remaining reaction commands to finish the move. Placing it on the reaction command modifier will just act as if you activated it and pressing triangle will activate another separate combination attack. Do it too much at the same time and the game will freeze. I'm uploading a video relating to the reaction command modifier so I will post it up here soon. :)

    Edit: Here it is!
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  10. smartguy_05
    Not exactly... do it on the ground and you will be in T-stance but do it in air (make sure you didn't get hit) and you will still be in T-stance. The only difference is that once you land on the ground you can move around instead of being in T-stance until you get hit. Some reaction commands may not work on the shortcut mod so it may work on the reaction command mod and vice versa (eg, The End (Roxas) will not activate if you have it as a reaction command (the one where you just press Triangle and not to be confused with the shortcut mod).

    The sad part is you can't activate his keyblades unless... which I will reveal later once my upload on youtube is complete. :P

    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. smartguy_05
    Those pics are amazing especially the BBS screen shots!
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. smartguy_05
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. smartguy_05
    Here you go 0231 - Facedown.

    These might be the follow up reaction commands for Xemnas 1.
    0232 - Clash
    0233 - Break Through
    0234 - Finish

    Btw, if you use Limit Form, all your shortcuts become your limits (Ragnarok, Strike Raid, etc.) unless you have an item placed in your shortcut. Anyway for the digit list I believe it was posted here a few pages back.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. smartguy_05
    Ooh thanks for the info. You're right, now that I think about it you can barely see Sora do that move.

    Cool vid and thanks for porting the Reaction Command Mod! Looks like Antiform can now use reaction commands as well!

    Btw, I thought I post some pics with the Reaction Commands in the shortcut menu.

    Items in Shortcut (no effect when used and Elixer acts like a Mega-elixer but actually does nothing except when used via the item menu.)

    High Slide

    Roxas's Reaction Command when done after doing a combo or during a combination attack (depends on timing as well).

    Requires excellent timing to high slide the moment Roxas tries to steal his keyblades.

    Xemnas's Facedown Reaction Commands

    In your face, LOL!

    Facedown can still be done when Xemnas has been defeated!

    However you can no longer do the remaining reaction commands as they do not appear.

    Fortunately he can't damage you anymore and just falls down to the ground doing nothing.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. smartguy_05
    This game looks pretty cool. I wonder how many playable characters are there once its complete.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  16. smartguy_05
    I prefer Ultima Weapon since in KH2, the MP charge takes too long to recharge itself. Fenrir is also a good choice if you prefer quicker finishers and you are less vulnerable to counterattacks while performing a combo.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. smartguy_05
    Now that's cool! If only it would work for PS2.

    Offtopic: Btw, I heard that you have to set either ZeroGS or the PCSX2 emulator on 256 color mode to fix the brightness problem for KH2 since that option in the GPU doesn't work.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. smartguy_05
    Hey everyone! I've been playing around with the Shortcut Modifiers with reaction commands mainly with Facedown for Xemnas. Apparently you can't use that reaction once Xemnas zaps you and then escapes to the "tower". The only remedy is to use it before he teleports to the tower or do it whenever you want when you lock on him or you are near him.

    About digit 02A3 = High Slide, I don't think I remember seeing Sora ever do that move for Roxas's battle; it looks more like a reversal but only more cooler and can be repeatedly as long as you target Roxas.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. smartguy_05
    That I don't know... I have to attend a Christmas party tomorrow for our barangay (the smallest political unit into which cities and municipalities in the Philippines are divided; and yeah I know Christmas past like a few days). Anyway just use the shortcut modifiers and insert the appropriate reaction command you want. I'm sure it will work depending on the digit used.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. smartguy_05
    From EvilMan's post #2133.

    Sorry about that... I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just assumed that these are the digits you tested and translated. I hope you are not offended by my previous post. Btw, its seems that the range slight differs but yours seem to cover more range than the one Syoudous found.
    pretty much
    btw thx to Syoduous of CMP, more digits have been tested for FM+ for the Shorctu/Reaction Mods!
    here they are
    02A1 - Limit Form
    02A2 - Limit (Form)
    02A7 - 02AA makes Sora act differently in fights when used while you're in the air. (As if he's gliding or something)
    02AB - Something (Disabled, Ragnarok?, Enabled during Fights)
    02AC - Attack from Ragnarok? (Freezes when used)
    02AD - Attack from Ragnarok? (Freezes when used)
    02AE - Attack from Ragnarok? (Freezes when used)
    02AF - Attack from Ragnarok? (Freezes when used)
    02B0 - Something (Appears to trigger Terras Fight IF unlocked)
    02B1 - Freeze/Crash
    02B2 - Freeze/Crash
    02B3 - Freeze/Crash
    02B4 - Freeze/Crash
    02B5 - Freeze/Crash
    02B6 - Freeze/Crash
    02B7 - Freeze/Crash
    02B8 - Freeze/Crash
    02B9 - Freeze/Crash
    02BA - Something (Disabled, Sonic Blade?, Enabled during Fights)
    02BB - Attack from Sonic Blade? (Freezes when used)
    02BC - Attack from Sonic Blade? (Freezes when used)
    02BD - Attack from Sonic Blade? (Freezes when used)
    02BE - Attack from Sonic Blade? (Freezes when used)
    02BF - Attack from Sonic Blade? (Freezes when used)
    02C0 - Something (Disabled, Unknown Limit..., Enabled during Fights)
    02C1 - Untested
    02C2 - Untested
    02C3 - Something (Disabled)
    02C4 - Lexaeus' RC (To attack)
    02C5 - Freeze/Crash
    02C6 - Something (Disabled?)
    02C7 - Zexions RC (To get back your normal command menu)
    02C8 - Zexions RC (Spawns HP Bubbles)
    02C9 - Zexions RC? (Freezes when used in his fight)
    02CA - Zexions RC (To turn the page of the command menu when Zexion changes it)
    02CB - Zexions RC (To try and get out when Sora is turned into a book)
    02CC - Zexions RC (Animation of Sora & When Sora gets out when he was turned into a book, Freezes)
    02CD - Zexions RC (Sora attacking?, Freezes)
    02CE - Vexens RC? (Freezes when used in his fight)
    02CF - Vexens RC? (Freezes when used in his fight)
    02D0 - Unknown RC
    02D1 - Something (Makes Sora act differently in Battles)
    02D2 - Terras RC (Zaps Sora)
    02D3 - Terras RC (Information Bar?)
    02D4 - Something (Disabled?)
    02D5 - Something (Disabled?)
    02D6 - Something (Disabled?)
    02D7 - Something (Disabled?)
    02D8 - Something (Disabled?)
    02D9 - Something (Disabled?)
    Post by: smartguy_05, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault