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  1. smartguy_05
    Hey did I do this right? The instructions for this is kind of confusing for the YY values ofr 00 and 5F.

    Norma Sora with Antiform Model (Press L2)
    E002FEFF 0034D45C
    21C954F4 00303031
    21C954F8 464C5448

    or is it this one?
    Normal Sora with Antiform Model (Press L2)
    E002FEFF 0034D45C
    21C954F4 5F303031
    21C954F8 464C5448
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. smartguy_05
    Can someone help me with this code? I can't seem to make it work, gives me a BSOD all the time after loading a game.

    Sora with Antiform Model (Press L2)
    E002FEFF 0034D45C
    21C954F4 00000000
    21C954F8 464C5448

    Btw, I noticed that this code:
    FM's Reaction Refresh (L3+L2)
    E002FEFD 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000001

    seems to disable the use of jokering a code when enabled and you have jokered codes following the Reaction Fresh code.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. smartguy_05
    Anyone would like to port these for FM+?

    Cutscene Triggers [L2]
    Loop Demo [Hee hee hee]
    E002FEFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 38000101
    2033E834 00003838
    New Game
    E002FEFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 34000102
    2033E834 00003434
    E002FEFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 01001512
    2033E834 00000101
    Kairi kicks Ass
    E002FEFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 00000A12
    2033E834 00000202
    Battle Triggers [R2]
    Twilight Thorn [Boss!]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 9D002202
    2033E834 00009D9D
    Axel [Boss!]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 89001402
    2033E834 00008989
    Demyx [Boss!]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 37000404
    2033E834 00003737
    Xaldin [Boss!]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 52000F05
    2033E834 00005252
    Xigbar [Boss!]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 39000A12
    2033E834 00003939
    Saix [Boss!]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 38000F12
    2033E834 00003838
    Luxord [Boss!]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 3A000E12
    2033E834 00003A3A
    Xemnas [Boss!]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 3B001312
    2033E834 00003B3B
    1000 Heartless Battle [LOL, JLhack, fix'd]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 42001104
    2033E834 00004242
    Beginning of the End
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 4B001B12
    2033E834 00004B4B
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 44001C12
    2033E834 00004444
    Twin Cannons
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 45001A12
    2033E834 00004545
    Energy Core
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 46001912
    2033E834 00004646
    Armored Xemnas I
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 47001812
    2033E834 00004747
    Xemnas Dragon Battle
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 48001612
    2033E834 00004848
    Armored Xemnas II
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 49001712
    2033E834 00004949
    Final Xemnas
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 4A001412
    2033E834 00004A4A
    Tron Lightcycle [R2]
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 00000211
    2033E834 00003F3F
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. smartguy_05
    Well its the closest thing to monochrome mode. :P I haven't tested it in all places... only in Hollow Bastion so I suppose that not all objects are affected. (old video I made with the code)
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. smartguy_05
    Monochrome Mode (FM+ only) Credits: Mutuki
    20194858 24020001

    Here you go! Now you can port it to KH2. :ff10sora:
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. smartguy_05
    Hello and welcome spdude to!
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 17, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. smartguy_05
    There is a monochrome code that makes most stuff black and white but it's for Final Mix + only.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. smartguy_05
    Cool! I always thought that 764 Mickey (parter)'s could not be modified unless you played as him. I guess that should eliminate Sora's voice for Riku. :P
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. smartguy_05
    I'm guessing this is the normal command menu right? Btw is scan automatically equipped or should I save then reset? I noticed that jokering an ability for a character allows you to equip and unequip abilities freely.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. smartguy_05
    By modding Mickey's stats with max strength and then have him as a partner character, he'll do decent damage if he combos the enemy.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. smartguy_05
    Thanks for the info. Riku is pretty fun to use. The only thing that can hit him so far is Sephiroth's "Descend Heartless Angel" move.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. smartguy_05
    I have to agree with EvilMan. I think 1000 words is better than Real Emotion. Other than that, the songs listed there are great!
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. smartguy_05
    Thanks for this post! It's nice to get a glimpse of the upcoming Kingdom Hearts games.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. smartguy_05
    For the first line of the Riku code,
    11CE0B68 0000089B

    Is it possible to just use 819, or 8D1 or will it not work at all?

    Thanks and great job on finding the Riku code!
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. smartguy_05
    Thanks man! You're the best! The only way I could refresh the reaction commands was to use a drive form. This will prove to be very useful now. :P
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. smartguy_05
    This is interesting... I never expected that there will be another Street Fighter movie. I hope they the movie turns out well in the end.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. smartguy_05
    This looks great! I can't to watch it once its released. As for the movies, I thought they were okay despite the fact that it is loosely based on the Resident Evil games.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. smartguy_05
    I thought that the movie was pretty good and suspenseful. I think I'll try read the book when I get the chance to find it.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. smartguy_05

    Best Game.

    The best games for me are Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix + and Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 for PS2.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  20. smartguy_05
    Currently listening to P3_heaven's Remix Omake PERSONA3 Yoyaku Tokuten CD Yori.
    Post by: smartguy_05, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone