No problem! :P
I started playing video games when I first played Mario Brothers for NES when I was 4 back in 1991.
3 out of 5? That's pretty average. So what are some of the things that made this game a disappointment?
If I remember correctly... Elementals 21C6C690 XXYYZZ64 21C6C694 0064AABB XX - Thunder Resistance YY - Ice Resistance ZZ - Fire Resistance AA - Light Resistance BB - Darkness Resistance Light Attacks - Damage when transforming into any drive form, Magnet, Magnet Splash (Sora's Finisher), Reflect Darkness Attacks - Antiform's attack with Square when done during a combo on the ground and mashing the attack button during Antiform's finisher in the air to release a burst of dark energy.
Good job man! :)
Maybe it doesn't work in those worlds? I haven't tested it myself though.
You could always resize the large pictures. Don't mind me saving that pic to my pc. :P
Nice pic with Kotonoha and Sekai! :P
About time they released this to the U.S. Now I can fully enjoy the game since I didn't really understand much of the new sleights added in the game. It's too bad that it does not come with KH2FM.
Nice find and cool codes... Roxas looks really messed up though with the new actions lol!
Model mod, UCM, Drive without characters, Reaction Command Mod + Shortcut mod are the best codes ever! The rest of codes also supplement the above codes too.
Great release... all the KH tracks are great especially the 13th Anthology and The Other Promise!
That was just an example I gave... anyway, roxazthelight I'm sure Soraoscuro made an honest mistake. If you are unsure you can always make your own joker codes with the program called JokerIt!. It's very simple to use and all you have to do is put in the joker address and the codes you want jokered and select the buttons to activate it. After that click on Joker It! button and you got yourself a jokered code. :cheers:
Really? If I use a joker code with the wrong amount of joker lines (eg. E003XXXX XXXXXXXX) and I have 4 or more lines in the code, the 4th line and above will activate automatically.
That joker code is wrong. 13 in hex is equal to 19 in decimal mode. E00DFDFF 0034D4C5 0D in hex = 13 in decimal.
You should of saved on a different slot. The only thing I can say is that you might wanna do a new game unless there was a code to trigger Vexen's absent silhouette boss. Code: Chains Of Memories : M) CB6+/Gs3+/Xp4+ 90314aa0 0c0c5250 M) CB/GS/Xp (Armax Using Game ID 0002 and Region Japan) F02F1860 002F1863 100% Resist (CM) (Invulnerable to everything?) 1CB5CE28 1456E7A5 Character Stats Sora Max Current HP 00611F18 000000FF Max HP 00611F1C 000000FF EXP Mod (Dont know the Max value yet) 20611F30 ???????? Gain ???? Exp per Exp Block Pick up 2022a3c4 08028000 200a0000 2013???? 200a0004 0808a8f2 200a0008 8c620314 Replace ??? with to gain 000A = 10 Per 0064 = 100 Per 03e8 = 1000 Per 2710 = 10000 Per Moogle Points MAX (CM) 20611F38 000????? 1869F = 99,999 MAX Attack A01B4F78 240A0008 MAX Magic A01B4FBC 240A0008 MAX Enemy Cards A01B500C 240A0008 MAX Map Cards A01B5044 240A0008 All Cards MAX A01B5068 24020008 Don't know about the 999 card points (do you mean CP?)
Chains Of Memories : M) CB6+/Gs3+/Xp4+ 90314aa0 0c0c5250 M) CB/GS/Xp (Armax Using Game ID 0002 and Region Japan) F02F1860 002F1863 100% Resist (CM) (Invulnerable to everything?) 1CB5CE28 1456E7A5 Character Stats Sora Max Current HP 00611F18 000000FF Max HP 00611F1C 000000FF EXP Mod (Dont know the Max value yet) 20611F30 ???????? Gain ???? Exp per Exp Block Pick up 2022a3c4 08028000 200a0000 2013???? 200a0004 0808a8f2 200a0008 8c620314 Replace ??? with to gain 000A = 10 Per 0064 = 100 Per 03e8 = 1000 Per 2710 = 10000 Per Moogle Points MAX (CM) 20611F38 000????? 1869F = 99,999 MAX Attack A01B4F78 240A0008 MAX Magic A01B4FBC 240A0008 MAX Enemy Cards A01B500C 240A0008 MAX Map Cards A01B5044 240A0008 All Cards MAX A01B5068 24020008
Oh I see... that explains why it never works. I was hoping to do a video of the 2nd Xemnas Data Battle in Zexion's fight area. Oh well I guess I can always come up with something new. :p
I know... but I was kind of hoping that using the model mod with Limit Form would force it to use the Limit move animations but it just drains the MP and removes your party members. I tried Normal Sora to be Antiform and it starts weird because when your drive animation is complete you hear sounds and effects of Normal Sora driving into a form and its pretty strange attacking without the dark spirals; his finisher where he shoots a powerful blast of darkness in air can't hit the enemy.
Anti Final Form was the coolest! It's great that Antiform can now use magic with the Sora Model Mod. Limit Form with Normal Sora Model is pretty cool too but sad to say that you cannot do any of Limit Form's limits. Sephiroth & Roxas as party members is very interesting thing indeed. I look forward to what comes next!
Thanks for your help! The model mod is really cool and fun to use. Btw, with Normal Sora using Limit Form Model, making the keyblade shine too much by using Aerial Finish made my game freeze eventually. Btw, how do you use the room mod to transport the Xemnas 2nd Data Battle into Zexion's fight area? Everytime I joker the room mod to be Zexion's fight area before the battle loads it just shows the map screen but no characters on screen and you can't do anything. Any help would be great!