For now yeah :). Cloudstrife thinks the Keyblade Mod may have been typed wrong, and since I have nothing better to do, I will find out >_>.
Base: (only listing address) 103AC670 No results worth noting.
I will experiment with the Keyblade mod. I have messed with FM enough for today.
A lot of the nothing digits on the UCM seem to be RCs and boss situation only objects. So far I have a RC and a few of Luxord's Cards. ALSO, when Slot 1 is replaced with Final Form and fighting two Terras, theres an odd bug that makes them unable to damage you when you revert. Probably applys to other forms and bosses too.
If there is, it remains unknown. ALSO: I have been testing around with "Nothing" digits in the UCM. They do seem to all be some type of RC or object.
I just used the Codebreaker default.
In raw format: Character Slot 1 (Sora) 11CE0B68 0000???? Character Slot 2 (Donald) 11CE0B6A 0000???? Character Slot 3 (Goofy) 11CE0B6C 0000???? Character Slot 4 (guest/Guest) 11CE0B6E 0000???? Character Slot 5 (Valor-Form) 11CE0B70 0000???? Character Slot 6 (Wisdom Form) 11CE0B71 0000???? Character Slot 7 (Master-Form) 11CE0B72 0000???? Character Slot 8 (Final-Form) 11CE0B73 0000???? Character Slot 9 (Anti-Form) 11CE0B74 0000???? Character Slot 10 (King Mickey) 11CE0B75 0000???? Has any progress been made on porting Infinite Jump, or refinding the code for Roxas' Keyblades?
The one on the first page gives me a black screen.
I tested it and it had no effect. Oh, it was Erkz, quickly fixing post.
The code had no effect. It would work if the address was right, but for now it does nothing. I will put it up here in a sec. Made by Erkz: Keyblade UCM - Right Hand = Kairis keyblade: 4MC9-GC5X-MGPG4 CFHM-T51X-2289N Raw format: 103AC670 000008BD
I am not sure something like that exists. No codes to trigger boss situations have been found yet.
use: 11C95618 0000???? for Sora 11C9561A 0000???? for Donald 11C9561C 0000???? for Goofy 11C9561E 0000???? for Guest Same digits as that UCM.
Cloudstrife252, it did not affect the Kingdom Key, but it did freeze when I tried to change keyblades.
Does anyone have a working All Items code, or an all stat boosts code? The ones I have seen on this topic don't work >_<. The format doesn't matter, I can convert it. Nontul, the UCM digit list is complete.
The no HUD code does not actually seem to remove the HUD, just make it invisible. The game still freezes as if it is calling for it, at the exact same moment as usual.
Driving into Riku is impossible. Even the working Riku, hovercraft Riku, will T-Stance if you drive form into him
Thanks, completed my UCM digit list.
EDIT: Yeah, they do seem to all be filled.
ATTENTION ANY OF YOU WITH KINGDOM HEARTS 2 FINAL MIX: When you get the party menu for Final Xemnas, does Riku stand in his fight pose with no keyblade normally? When I get him right now, he is walking casually. Going to try Riku in Data Xemnas fight now. If this fails I will try to joker Riku into Sora. EDIT: Double failure.
Or they are in one of the other gaps. The UCM list I saved had around 12 gaps. I am certain we have the code for Riku, and every other data member, just we need either another mod, or the digit is unknown.