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  1. The_One_Man7
    What I am thinking is trying to get 09C7 to work long enough to get to the Xemnas data 1 cutscene. In cutscenes for some reason the object ALWAYS shows, such as 09CA as a Xemnas Clone. Though in the final battle throughout the combo Sora does with WTTD, the object never appears.

    EDIT: With that code the game doesnt even load at all.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. The_One_Man7
    Do you any of you offhand have the working code to change Mulan's weapon? 09C7 might show as something during cutscenes. First I want to try a few things with the Terra mod though.
    Donald Replaced by Terra
    11CE0B6A 0000096F

    Goofy Replaced by Terra
    11CE0B6C 0000096F

    World Character Replaced by Terra
    11CE0B6E 0000096F
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. The_One_Man7
    Has anyone found out what digit 09C7 is? It is right in the middle of the Limit Cut members digits, but it freezes wielded and shows as nothing everywhere else.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. The_One_Man7
    081F is end of game Final Xemnas Clone. 09CA is Limit Cut Final Xemnas Clone, the real Final Xemnas digit is still unknown, probably freezes without certain conditions.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. The_One_Man7
    That code will freeze, I don't even have to test it. Giving Sora Master Form and Final Forms movesets at once freezes. It would not have four keyblades anyway.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. The_One_Man7
    Oh, the code vid. I think I am going to try a few things with the UCM digits around the datas. I will edit in the results and a short description of each test.
    EDIT: Digit 081F acts the same as 09CA, except freezes in the final Xemnas fight. Is there some way they are set to be real or clone Xemnas?
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. The_One_Man7
    It plays "The Other Promise". If you use the Music mod code on KH2FM, it is digit 42.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. The_One_Man7
    Do not bother, that whole post was spam, and a large waste of time to read. It does not work. To begin with, he has you modding Donald, Goofy, and Beast all at the same time, even though you can only have two out. Then the fact he wants you to have THREE Riku's out when just two freeze.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. The_One_Man7
    I was bored enough to try it with every pair of party members. Mickey will always BSOD if 08D3 is out. You can't even enter the fight with two 08D3 or 08D1 and 08D3 at once. More than one Riku at any time = crash.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. The_One_Man7
    Do any of you onhand have the Ability mod codes for Final Form, in RAW format?
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 12, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. The_One_Man7
    Have any more attempts been made to port Infinite Jump? I was also never told the Second Keyblade mod for Wisdom Form, only the KH2 US version.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. The_One_Man7
    I am going to recheck some of the "Nothing" digits in a bit with the data boss fights. Some of the UCM digits only work in certain boss fights, or only in battle. I have found a noncombat only RC, and Luxord's Card (Underground) with the first two "Nothing" digits I checked.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Oct 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. The_One_Man7
    Being 089B Riku is useless. Even with the hovercraft working, you would not be able to do anything.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. The_One_Man7
    It had no effect. I'm about to try something with the ORG member digits.

    EDIT: Limit Cut Organization Members seem to be max leveled forms of the Absent Silhouettes.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. The_One_Man7
    I wonder what makes Final Xemnas' digit freeze. We can put his clone in just fine, but normal Xemnas freezes. The KH2FM data org members are the same way for some reason.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. The_One_Man7
    Is there any specific reason the Full Party code adds Riku to your party? Also, I am about to check something on Data Xemnas. Will edit in the result.

    EDIT: Results:
    In the party menu it has normal Riku in your party, but in the fight you have Final Fight Riku.
    You can save there just like in The World of Nothing. Xemnas just idles at the end if your invulnerable.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. The_One_Man7
    Nontul, that vid is what made me interested in finding out how to redo it. Reverting with Slot 1 as any form does it, to any enemy.

    Evilman_89, I will try it right now.
    It had no effect on jumping.

    Windblade, just for KH2FM.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. The_One_Man7
    If you modify Slot 1 into a form, hit revert and nothing can damage you XD.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. The_One_Man7
    Pretty much, yeah. Though you won't be able to do much in terms of fighting, and you will only have one keyblade.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. The_One_Man7
    At one time, the code to have Roxas' Keyblades existed, but it was lost. Also, use the moveset mod to have a floating keyblade.
    EDIT: One time deal likely, but I managed to Interrupt the drain attack Xemnas 1 tries to use.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault