Can the game even handle five Terras? EDIT: one or both of those codes messes up the camera Antiweapon. I see ALL of Disney Castles interior from a distance (including the thorns?)
That code modifies the save point into another UCM digit. The last four digits are the UCM digit of what you want to be there. Also, for your Cavern of Remembrance problem, just level the growths fairly, it is not hard, youll need the practice for the fights.
I have been messing with some random codes recently, and had few results, but isn't 08D1 Riku supposed to freeze in most worlds?
It happens with some battle level mods too. Could it be that their hp goes over the limit?
Sorry shadowman, Xemnas 1 only works on his original map. There is no way around that yet.
I think I know why Sephiroth freezes in the Terra fight, I think it has something to do with his HP bars. I will edit in if removing Scan fixes it. EDIT: Sephiroth works if you remove Scan.
Jeez, epic crash there. Digit 0860 is apparently the dragon from the Final Fights, or the arm from the fight with the core. The game ran for a few seconds after the fight began, and froze as i turned the camera. It is extremely big as well, the arm being almost twice the size of the mountain range in the Terra fight.
Code: Width mod 20378A08 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Height mod 20378B7C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 HUD display size mod 20378D2C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Does things to the reaction command bar 20378DF0 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 does things to the background image on command bar and removes the command menu 20378DE8 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Camera controlled by the L-****og stick speed mod 20378E6C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 model size mod 2037A180 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Boss's Speed mod (affects other things) 2037A584 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Reaction command/lock on icon distance mod 2037ACD0 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Enemy AI mod (makes enemies harder to hit) 2037AB30 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 This brings out sephiroths full model (he will have his sword out when you talk to him) ""someone test the other digits"" 2037AEB0 400000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Text size on loading screen mod 2037AE4C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Text size on HUD mod 2037AE48 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Text size for subtitles mod 2037B5E0 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Take color out of models in sephiroths room ""test the other digits"" 2037AE74 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Small People? (I really just don't know how to put the name of this into words) ""test the other digits"" 2037AE7C 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 (enter a drive with this code on. it looks cool) ""test the other digits"" 2037B3B0 400000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Invisible enemies (enter master, final, or anti form and revert so donald and goofet will be invisible) ""test the other digits"" 2037B76C 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Glide speed mod 2037BDD6 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 More color to various things (save points, magic, etc.) ""test the other digits" 2037CE9C 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Animations distance mod (takes certain things faraway from the model) 2037C780 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 That is the set Khkid posted when he hacked them.
Width mod 20378A08 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Height mod 20378B7C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 HUD display size mod 20378D2C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Does things to the reaction command bar 20378DF0 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 does things to the background image on command bar and removes the command menu 20378DE8 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Camera controlled by the L-****og stick speed mod 20378E6C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 model size mod 2037A180 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Boss's Speed mod (affects other things) 2037A584 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Reaction command/lock on icon distance mod 2037ACD0 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Enemy AI mod (makes enemies harder to hit) 2037AB30 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 This brings out sephiroths full model (he will have his sword out when you talk to him) ""someone test the other digits"" 2037AEB0 400000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Text size on loading screen mod 2037AE4C xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Text size on HUD mod 2037AE48 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Text size for subtitles mod 2037B5E0 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Take color out of models in sephiroths room ""test the other digits"" 2037AE74 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Small People? (I really just don't know how to put the name of this into words) ""test the other digits"" 2037AE7C 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 (enter a drive with this code on. it looks cool) ""test the other digits"" 2037B3B0 400000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Invisible enemies (enter master, final, or anti form and revert so donald and goofet will be invisible) ""test the other digits"" 2037B76C 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Glide speed mod 2037BDD6 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 More color to various things (save points, magic, etc.) ""test the other digits" 2037CE9C 40000000 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000 Animations distance mod (takes certain things faraway from the model) 2037C780 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000
Code: Character Moveset Modifier [KH2 US] 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 240100YY 200F900C 142F00ZZ 200F9010 240F00XX 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 [Note 1] - The "YY" values. These tell the code what character you're modding. Like if you're playing as Roxas[Yes, you CAN use this code in conjuction with the Universal Character Modifier for Maximum Damage!], you'd set it to Roxas's value, else the moveset doesn't change... 01= Sora 02= Donald 03= Goofy 04= Mickey 05= Auron 06= Mulan 07= Aladdin 08= Sparrow 09= Beast 0A= Jack 0B= Simba 0C= Tron 0D= Riku 0E= Roxas 0F= Ping [Note 2] - The "ZZ" values. o_O This part of the code is weird. It supposedly affects the position of one's weapon. However, if you set it to 'Sky' on certain people, it freezes. And if you set it to 'Normal' on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving. 02= Normal 01= Sky [Note 3] - The "XX" values. (These values need re-testing. Someone help me here please. I beg ye. The first few work just fine, but once you get down to around where Riku was, you get BSODs with Music. =( ) 01= Sora 02= Valor 03= Wisdom 04= Master Form 05= Final Form 06= Anti Form 07= Lion Form ~ 0A= Dual-Wield Roxas ~ 0D= Roxas ~ 11= Donald ~ 14= Goofy ~ 17= Aladdin 18= Auron 19= Ping? 1A= Mulan? ~ 1C= King Mickey 1D= King Mickey ** 1E= King Mickey ** ~ 22= Sparrow 23= Riku I think I saved that from one of Erkz's posts, not 100% sure. Certain movesets bug up a lot or t-stance a lot, always wield Kingdom Key if it isn't Soras or a forms moveset.
Character Moveset Modifier [KH2 US] 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 240100YY 200F900C 142F00ZZ 200F9010 240F00XX 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 [Note 1] - The "YY" values. These tell the code what character you're modding. Like if you're playing as Roxas[Yes, you CAN use this code in conjuction with the Universal Character Modifier for Maximum Damage!], you'd set it to Roxas's value, else the moveset doesn't change... 01= Sora 02= Donald 03= Goofy 04= Mickey 05= Auron 06= Mulan 07= Aladdin 08= Sparrow 09= Beast 0A= Jack 0B= Simba 0C= Tron 0D= Riku 0E= Roxas 0F= Ping [Note 2] - The "ZZ" values. o_O This part of the code is weird. It supposedly affects the position of one's weapon. However, if you set it to 'Sky' on certain people, it freezes. And if you set it to 'Normal' on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving. 02= Normal 01= Sky [Note 3] - The "XX" values. (These values need re-testing. Someone help me here please. I beg ye. The first few work just fine, but once you get down to around where Riku was, you get BSODs with Music. =( ) 01= Sora 02= Valor 03= Wisdom 04= Master Form 05= Final Form 06= Anti Form 07= Lion Form ~ 0A= Dual-Wield Roxas ~ 0D= Roxas ~ 11= Donald ~ 14= Goofy ~ 17= Aladdin 18= Auron 19= Ping? 1A= Mulan? ~ 1C= King Mickey 1D= King Mickey ** 1E= King Mickey ** ~ 22= Sparrow 23= Riku
I am trying digits that are lone freezes in the Terra fight with the mod right now. They do not seem to freeze in boss fights though, for some reason. 08D5 is an object, but it disappeared before I could see what it was.
The digits you posted seem to conflict with Evilman's results >_>. Will test some more "Nothing" UCM digits in a minute, I will edit in results.
Evilman, what is the KH2 music mod? I can't find it in any of the sticky topics, and I only have the FM+ one saved.
Actually, I have most of the codes saved onto .txt files >_>. Xendran, sorry I had to go last night, I will edit in the code in a minute. EDIT: Xendran, this one 0037AD10 4F800000
Clontox use the code 11CEF10C 00000801 it will replace Kingdom Key with the stick. Also, Xendran, with the code you posted earlier it does the Xaldin fight normally (I have no sephiroth saves) but after he dies the game hangs when it trys to show him dying and etc, but the screen is tinted a bit lighter than usual.
Some digits I found testing weapons: 0842- Saix's claymore (huge) (I think this was already found) 0844- Some water column effect, hangs game randomly 0848- Nothing, no effect, etc, freezes too quick to test properly Clontox, wield the stick. 11CEF10C 00000801 That replaces kingdom key. Credit to Erkz
Someone asked about Combo Master earlier, if you mod Wisdom Form into normal Sora you get a Combo Master effect, so maybe there is a way to trigger whatever Wisdom Form uses?
Khkid, I have that one still KH2 US no HUD: 20378D2C 00000000 20378DE8 40000000 I think it also has no command menu in there, been too long since I used it.
Final Xemnas is doing his usual "game freezes if anything is changed" annoyance. Other than that trying addresses near Terra's had no effect on the Limit Cut fights.
I already answered you on the codes for Terra, for Axel replace 096F with 09C4.
The mod for Mulan's weapon. EDIT: Testing for Limit Cut boss modifiers.