1B04 not 0B04. The area you go to it from can also affect whether or not you can play at it. I can play on all of them fine from Disney Castle. Side note: About 4 digits left and I will put the complete HB digit list here.
I am listing them as they lead me there >_>. Almost done with all of Hollow Bastion though. A few spots do match though, but the Villains Vale repeats are odd.
Nice job, trying some digits now, but 0000 is still freeze. EDIT: Complete digit list moved to page 163.
It shows the scene in Hollow Bastion, then shows only the background for Castle Oblivion. As a side note, Castle Oblivion is named "Villians Vale" on the map name thing in Cornerstone Hall. The area is only one solid floor though, but perfect for boss battles.
So with this Room Modifier code, there are 00 digit rooms, but not a 00 digit world? Is it possible it just works in very few areas? EDIT: Trying to change maps to Castle Oblivion before trigger Sephiroth's scene causes an odd glitchup, amusing though even though you have to reset.
Just what worlds do Destiny Island room mod digits work on? I get straight BSODs from Disney Castle, and Twilight Town. EDIT: Nvm I got it working.
After playing around a little, I can say for sure moveset mod digit 41 is Final Riku. When pairing 0819 Riku with it, you do not t-stance using Dark Aura and Attacking, though I am not sure if this helps in making him playable. Looks like you were right Cloudstrife.
Mikael's code had no effect on gameplay, I even went through the final fights and it acted normal.
I have to go, and cannot try this at the moment, but someone try to DW 0952 and 0953 on the UCM list as floating weapons. I THINK those are the keyblades from Roxas, though even if they are I don't know if they will glow.
Is there any chance of finding Roxas' Keyblades? Wielding them in Cornerstone Hall gets boring since Roxas gets stuck during his DM, and seven keyblades wont do much to no enemys. Though these DO seem to act like DW Limit Forms main keyblades.
Just before i go, what about the area in Twilight Town with the tram going in a circle?
The game can also overload from info. You MIGHT be able to do like 10 roxas in Twilight Town or somewhere, but he might overload at that many. The game slows down a bit just showing 5 dead Terras, let alone 10 alive and well Roxas spamming light-swords.
More than 2 different bosses at once = freeze. Sorry.
Set slot 1 to be Limit Form, then hit revert. Nothing will affect you unless you attack or guard. Spam guard in that form and they will kill each other with cannonblasts. EDIT: All five downed to invincible Limit Form. Three or more doing desperations is impossible, you cant even see.
The game CAN handle 5 Terras going berserk at once, proven by Invincible Limit Form. It is literally impossible to handle the fight once they start going berserk. It is all blackness and attack effects, as well as Terras armour everywhere. EDIT: Finally killed one! Four to go
This is the complete code I have entered. 11CE0B6A 0000096F 11CE0B6C 0000096F 01C53894 0000096F 01C53AD4 0000096F 01C535C4 0000096F 11CE0B68 0000095D Master Code: 903088E0 0C0C21E0
How strange, the skateboard got replaced by a T-Stance Xehanort. I still only have two Terras though.
Wow, Sora put them in their place well. I wonder if thats possible at all to win.
My game does not even load with all six in XD. I am trying to figure out why though. EDIT: Put up a joke vid of it on youtube >_>.
It is the savepoint that seems to bug up the camera, is it because that is where I saved at? EDIT: Chip and Dale codes simply remove them.