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  1. The_One_Man7
    This one won't have the same side effects as that code, and is also shorter. I got my ps2 working enough to try it, doing so right now.
    EDIT: Didn't seem to affect antiform, trying other digits.
    EDIT2: This code only seems to be able to remove Reaction Commands...?
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. The_One_Man7
    There is no complete command menu mod yet, we have the true text mod, but not an actual menu mod. The current mod changes what menu Sora has as in magic shortcut menu, summon menu, etc. We also do not have a mod that changes what Reaction Command is up yet, but we can entirely remove the ability to use them it seems. Someone try this code while in Antiform, see if you can do Reaction Commands.
    01C88DD4 00000001
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. The_One_Man7
    Yes Keyblade Spirit, that actually removes your ability to do RCs if you use 02 as the digit. I have my ps2 working a little bit, but not enough to try anything code-wise on it. I am not sure what else it will do though, 01 seemed to have no visible effect.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. The_One_Man7
    This is kind of random, but it is related, this code affects the RC bar and can even remove your ability to do RCs, but I don't know all of what it does, since my KH2 disk seemingly died.
    01C88DD4 000000??
    Digit 02 will remove RCs completely. I found that browsing ps2dis, but I don't know if someone else has tried this address before.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. The_One_Man7
    I am trying to test Olympus Coliseum worlds now, but they are being a pain about the black message when you try to leave, will edit here the list if I figure out a way around this. For now I will work on Halloween Towns rooms.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. The_One_Man7
    Earlier I was seeing how those addresses act when put ingame, and noticed they do affect normal form Sora, but not properly. He seems to have found a pattern in the values though. Using all of the addresses at once even does nothing though Cloudstrife 252.
    EDIT: Could someone do a dump of running around with Roxas' Keyblades in the fight? It might be possible for someone here to find the proper code. The dump I was looking at did not have any addresses around the 054C2548 area.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. The_One_Man7
    Whatever is making the keyblades have two sets of auras for about 3 seconds is coming from one of these 11 codes.

    12C3AED4 00000FAE
    12C3AED8 43FA0000
    12C3AEDC 0B020000
    12C3AEE0 09530952
    12C3AEE4 00000000
    12C3AEE8 00000952
    12C3AEEC 1900000D
    12C3AF3C 0B011500
    12C3AF48 00000953
    12C3AF4C 1900000D
    12C3AF9C 0B011500

    Whether or not the first digit is a 1 or 2 seems to have little to effect on anything with these.

    12C3AEE8 00000952 and 12C3AF48 00000953 seem to cause the odd auras and t-stancing. The t-stancing also only happens in normal form for some reason.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. The_One_Man7
    Apparently when I put in some of the addresses exactly as they are on the dump, I can run around as a t-stance sora after Roxas reclaims his keyblades.
    EDIT: Moved where the aura is for a few seconds on Oathkeeper and Oblivion.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. The_One_Man7
    I got bored enough to look through ps2dis and found four addresses involving Roxas' keyblade UCM digits, as well as I think Roxas' label. Could anything be done with these? Directly off a dump:
    02C3AE88 00000951 address with Roxas' digit

    02C3AE90 ------42 "B_EX390" What I think is his label.

    02C3AEE0 09530952 j $054C2548
    02C3AEE8 00000952
    02C3AEEC 1900000D
    02C3AEF0 ------57 "W_EX010_ROXAS_LIGHT"

    There is also a set in the 01C3AE90 area with the same values and etc.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. The_One_Man7
    I do seem to have that, but is it possible to make the ingame versions of the scenes have voices, or does that require a new file?
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  11. The_One_Man7
    I have cleared KH2FM+, as well as RE:CoM, both Sora and Rikus storys, yet I still only have silence in the new scenes. What do I have to do to trigger the scenes to have sound? Before someone asks, yes I have all three clears still on the card.
    Thread by: The_One_Man7, Dec 14, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  12. The_One_Man7
    Something is wrong with that code, hes invincible to melee but takes damage from magic. Check your code again >_>, might have an address wrong.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. The_One_Man7
    Evilman, I can try that code if you give a working Master Code. The only one I have does not work >_>.
    Trying on Codebreaker with Master Code 90314AA0 0C0C5250:
    First one had no effect.
    Second had no effect.
    Third had no effect.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. The_One_Man7
    Alright, Twilight Town digits complete, here is my full list so far:
    World 01 World of Darkness (Complete)
    Room 00 - Twilight Beach
    Room 01 - "Loop Demo"
    Room 02 - Instant Freeze
    World 02 Twilight Town
    Room 00 - The Empty Realm
    Room 01 - Roxas' Room
    Room 02 - The Usual Spot
    Room 03 - Back Alley
    Room 04 - Sandlot
    Room 05 - Sandlot during Struggle Tournament
    Room 06 - Market Street: Station Heights
    Room 07 - Market Street: Tram Common
    Room 08 - Station Plaza
    Room 09 - Central Station
    Room 0A - Sunset Terrace
    Room 0B - Sunset Station
    Room 0C - Sunset Hill
    Room 0D - The Woods
    Room 0E - The Old Mansion
    Room 0F - Mansion: Foyer
    Room 10 - Mansion: Dining Room
    Room 11 - Mansion: Library
    Room 12 - Mansion: The White Room
    Room 13 - Mansion: Basement Hall
    Room 14 - Mansion: Basement Hall (Axel's Ring of Fire)
    Room 15 - Mansion: Computer Room
    Room 16 - Mansion: Basement Corridor
    Room 17 - Mansion: Pod Room
    Room 18 - On the Train
    Room 19 - The Tower
    Room 1A - Tower: Entryway
    Room 1B - Tower: Sorcerers Loft
    Room 1C - Tower: Wardrobe
    Room 1D - Tower: Star Chamber
    Room 1E - Tower: Moon Chamber
    Room 1F - Tower: Wayward Stairs 1
    Room 20 - Station of Serenity
    Room 21 - Station of Calling
    Room 22 - Station of Awakening
    Room 23 - The Magical Train
    Room 24 - Tunnelway
    Room 25 - Underground Concourse
    Room 26 - Tower: Wayward Stairs 2
    Room 27 - Tower: Wayward Stairs (Final)
    Room 28 - Betwixt and Between
    Room 29 - The Old Mansion (Barriers Up)
    Room 2A - Instant Freeze
    World 04 Hollow Bastion (Complete)
    Room 00 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    Room 01 - The Dark Depths (With Heartless Army)
    Room 02 - The Great Maw
    Room 03 - Crystal Fissure
    Room 04 - Castle Gate
    Room 05 - Ansems Study
    Room 06 - Castle Postern
    Room 07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction)
    Room 08 - Bailey (Before Destruction)
    Room 09 - Borough
    Room 0A - Marketplace
    Room 0B - Castle Corridors
    Room 0C - Heartless Manufactory 
    Room 0D - Merlin's House
    Room 0E - Castle Oblivion (Not 100% solid)
    Room 0F - Ansems Study before Xehanort took over (Not 100% solid)
    Room 10 - Ravine Trail
    Room 11 - The Great Maw (1000 Heartless Fight)
    Room 12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction)
    Room 13 - Bailey (After Destruction)
    Room 14 - Castle Corridors during Nobody and Heartless fight (Sealed)
    Room 15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths
    Room 16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area
    Room 17 - Cavern of Remembrance: Engine Chamber
    Room 18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft
    Room 19 - Transport to Remembrance
    Room 1A - Garden of Assemblage
    Room 1B - Added Staircase and Corridor to "Room of Sleep" (Not 100% solid)
    Room 1C - BSOD
    Room 1D - BSOD
    Room 1E - BSOD
    Room 1F - BSOD
    Room 20 - The Old Mansion (Vexen's Area)
    Room 21 - Station of Remembrance (Larxene's Area)
    Room 22 - Zexion's Fight Area
    Room 23 - BSOD
    Room 24 - BSOD
    Room 25 - BSOD
    Room 26 - Station of Oblivion (Marluxia's Area)
    Room 27 - BSOD
    Room 28 - BSOD
    Room 29 - Instant Freeze
    World 0C Disney Castle (Complete)
    Room 00 - Audience Chamber
    Room 01 - Library
    Room 02 - Colonnade
    Room 03 - Courtyard
    Room 04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns)
    Room 05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone
    Room 06 - Gummi Hanger
    Room 07 - Gathering Place
    Room 08 - Instant Freeze
    World 12 The World That Never Was (Complete)
    Room 00 - Where Nothing Gathers
    Room 01 - Alley to Between
    Room 02 - Fragment Crossing
    Room 03 - Memorys Skyscraper
    Room 04 - The Brink of Despair
    Room 05 - The Soundless Prison
    Room 06 - Nothings Call
    Room 07 - Lower Crooked Ascention
    Room 08 - Upper Crooked Ascention
    Room 09 - Naught's View
    Room 0A - Lower Hall of Empty Melodies
    Room 0B - Upper Hall of Empty Melodies
    Room 0C - Naughts Skyway
    Room 0D - Proof of Existence
    Room 0E - Havocs Divide
    Room 0F - Where Nothing Gathers
    Room 10 - Naughts Approach
    Room 11 - Ruin and Creations Passage
    Room 12 - The Altar of Naught
    Room 13 - Memory's Contortion
    Room 14 - The World of Nothing
    Room 15 - Station of Serenity (Where you fight Roxas)
    Room 16 - Station of Awakening (Where you fight Xemnas' Dragon)
    Room 17 - In the middle of the fight with Chair Xemnas 2 (Freezes within 5 seconds)
    Room 18 - Chair Xemnas 1's Throne
    Room 19 - At the Dragon's Core (Freezes when barrier comes up)
    Room 1A - Dragon's Laser Barrels as they are exploding (Second RC freezes game)
    Room 1B - Path to Xemnas' Dragon that had rising/falling buildings
    Room 1C - Second half of 1B, cannot go back
    Room 1D - The Altar of Naught (No Kingdom Hearts) (Blocked Exit)
    Room 1E - Instant Freeze 
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. The_One_Man7
    11CFA400 00000646
    AR MAX:
    There you go, but that code is not much good, he will just put the drain on you then run away. He only works in his room, Memorys Contortion, but nobody has found that room digit that I know of. Here is the room mod, try this, unless the order changed up going to FM+. 50/50 shot of it working:

    E001FDFF 0035B55C Press R2 and hold before changing maps
    1033E830 00001312

    AR MAX:
    UP2Y-WEB4-0JKF5 Press R2 and hold before changing maps
    I think room 13 is Memorys Contortion, but it might have changed. If someone knows for sure the KH2 digit for it just correct me.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. The_One_Man7
    Universal Room Modifier (Y=Room X=World)
    1032BAE0 0000YYXX

    That should answer any questions, also, is there any chance of the BSODs being very picky areas? Those BSODs only seem to happen in Hollow Bastion rooms. I will look into that once I finish up with these two worlds, unless someone else wants to doublecheck those.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. The_One_Man7
    Sorry about the note at the bottom of my post on page 168, the problem last post was that I was on a different computer, and after I made the post it did not show up here, and I had to go into my account settings to view the post at all, where I made the edit. After getting back to my usual computer everything is back to normal.
    Anyway back on topic, I will test all of the Twilight Town digits and all of Pride Lands in a bit, I have half of Twilight Town done already.

    EDIT: Only Twilight Beach was unplayable for me. I am doing these ALL in Disney Castle, and Disney Castle digits in The World of Nothing
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. The_One_Man7
    Here are a few more room digits:
    World 01 - The World of Darkness
    Room 00 - Twilight Beach
    Room 01 - "Loop Demo"
    Room 02 - Instant Freeze
    World 0C - Disney Castle
    Room 00 - Audience chamber
    Room 01 - Library
    Room 02 - Colonnade
    Room 03 - Courtyard
    Room 04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns)
    Room 05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone
    Room 06 - Gummi Hanger
    Room 07 - Gathering Place
    Room 08 - Instant Freeze
    World 12 - The World That Never Was
    Room 00 - Where Nothing Gathers
    Room 01 - Alley to Between
    Room 02 - Fragment Crossing
    Room 03 - Memorys Skyscraper
    Room 04 - The Brink of Despair
    Room 05 - The Soundless Prison
    Room 06 - Nothings Call
    Room 07 - Lower Crooked Ascention
    Room 08 - Upper Crooked Ascention
    Room 09 - Naughts View
    Room 0A - Lower Hall of Empty Melodies
    Room 0B - Upper Hall of Empty Melodies
    Room 0C - Naughts Skyway
    Room 0D - Proof of Existence
    Room 0E - Havocs Divide
    Room 0F - Where Nothing Gathers
    Room 10 - Naughts Approach
    Room 11 - Ruin and Creations Passage
    Room 12 - The Altar of Naught
    Room 13 - Memorys Contortion
    Room 14 - The World of Nothing
    Room 15 - Station of Awakening (Where you fight Roxas)
    Room 16 - Station of Awakening (Where you fight Xemnas' Dragon on the hovercraft)
    Room 17 - Middle of fight with Chair Xemnas 2's Dragon (Freezes within 5 seconds)
    Room 18 - Chair Xemnas 1's Throne
    Room 19 - Dragon's Core (Freezes when barrier is supposed to come)
    Room 1A - Laser Barrels (Freezes after second RC)
    Room 1B - Path to Xemnas' Dragon just past Kingdom Hearts Door
    Room 1C - Second half of 1B, cannot go back
    Room 1D - The Altar of Naught (No Kingdom Hearts) (No Exit)
    Room 1E - Instant Freeze 
    There are a good few interesting digits in there, such as Gathering Place and The World of Nothing, though someone please find where Twilight Beach loads properly.

    Edit: Odd, I can't see my own post, can any of you see this, just add a side note saying if you do, don't make a whole post over it.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. The_One_Man7
    Ginix, I tested all of those going from Cornerstone Hall to the next room. Not a single one gave the camera bug.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. The_One_Man7
    Hollow Bastion Room Modifier Digit List
    E001FDFF 0034D45C R2 Joker
    1032BAE0 0000YYXX
    These digits are the YY values. Hollow Bastion is 04 where XX is.
    00 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 
    01 - The Dark Depths (With Heartless Army below)
    02 - The Great Maw
    03 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 
    04 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 
    05 - Ansems Study
    06 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 
    07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction)
    08 - Bailey (Before Destruction)
    09 - Borough
    0A - Marketplace
    0B - Castle Corridors
    0C - Heartless Manufactory
    0D - Merlin's house
    0E - Castle Oblivion (Not 100% solid) 
    0F - Ansems Study before Xehanort took over (Not 100% solid) 
    10 - Ravine Trail
    11 - The Great Maw (1000 Heartless Conditions)
    12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction)
    13 - Bailey (After Destruction)
    14 - Castle Corridors during Nobody and Heartless fight (Sealed)
    15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths
    16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area
    17 - Cavern of Remembrance: Engine Chamber
    18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft
    19 - Transport to Remembrance
    1A - Garden of Assemblage
    1B - Room of Sleep and Stairwell (found by AntiWeapon) (Not 100% solid) 
    1C - BSOD
    1D - BSOD
    1E - BSOD
    1F - BSOD
    20 - The Old Mansion (Vexen's Area)
    21 - Station of Remembrance (Larxene's Area)
    22 - Zexion's fight area
    23 - BSOD
    24 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 
    25 - BSOD
    26 - Station of Oblivion (Marluxia's Area)
    27 - BSOD
    28 - BSOD
    29 - Instant Freeze 
    I am done digit testing for today >_>.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault