Nothing useful from any of the Command Menu mod digits Khkid left.
Command Menu mod digits: 3E400000- Same as 3E800000 3E800000- More faded than 3F000000 3F000000- Faded command menu, black thing behind it, faded RCs 40000000- KhKids invisible command menu. 41000000- RCs disappear very fast, the black background part (some colored) 40800000- Same as 41000000
I will experiment with the weapon mod in Beasts Castle/ TWTNW. Someone post me the code to always be wielding the Kingdom Key.
Do any other Keyblades give odd results?
He cannot do anything at all yet. If you have Sora out, you can use Megalaser and Session, but I have not been able to test with Riku as the main slot, since I cannot have more than one Sora without the fix code.
Cloudstrife252, got any more possible Command Menu addresses? I have Hovercraft Riku pretty much exactly as he is in the area hes played at. The only thing is nothing I do makes Sora stay on his part of it. Also, Riku is unable to do anything, he sits in place, with all commands blocked, unable to use Megalaser.
I managed to play as Riku while sitting on hovercraft, however Riku cannot use the Megalaser Reaction command.
Ultima-Sora, I am messing with Riku, not those. Without a second Sora, I cannot use the hovercraft.
Can someone post the Multiple Sora fix code, in any format. I can't do some of these tests without it.
Going to do some experiments with Riku now. I should get some interesting results from some of these...
For Riku sitting on Hovercraft I used: 11C9561A 00000841 11C9561C 0000089B Riku will be sitting on the Hovercraft, Session will remove him from it. This will only do anything in boss battles. After a bit of further testing, I noticed the Hovercraft itself had the Megalaser RC, not Riku. 089B Riku can use Session, as also 08D1 can use Megalaser without T-Stancing. I am not sure if you can Megalaser without Riku.
I don't think anything has been found other than the Black background menu from your default code.
089B acts just like normal Riku there. He T-Stances at the start, but hes normal for the rest of it. He has World Character voice. Use 0841 as the hovercraft digit.
I was just randomly messing with the UCM. Once you use megalaser, some odd purple glow is under the hovercraft, and it can't do anything else.
I got hovercraft riku working XD. In boss events you can use mega laser. I also got hovercraft Riku to use session >_>.
The Addresses. Going up to F0, F4, F8, etc I cant spot any changes past F0.
20378DE8 00000001 In the higher values, I cant find any changes.
See if those modify anything else. F0 modified the Reaction Command bar.