really? The Great Gatz: Reminds me some guy jumping off a really high diving board. Don't Ask. ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe: Someone who's really out of breath.
Sora holding Oblivion
Is randomly awesome....
Ah! I remember some of these! These were the ones in which you looked 17 xDDD Nice photos!
Hey family just sneaking on to say hi lol. Long time no see it sucks.
Its 7. 20 here lol
*pokes back* Hey! jkz Are you tired? I'm feeling heaps tired...but its too early to sleep xDD
<.< >.> Thats what you think...<.< lol jkz
*sneaks in* *donates cookies* HI! *sneaks away*
I'm alright xD but I quit cause I dislike classical music XP I wanted to play my type of music but now I don't even have time xDD
Thats awesome I wanna learn how to play guitar lol I can play piano and kayboard but guitar seems so much cooler xDD
Hey family! How is everyone?
Lol I'm not gay... <.< xDD jkz
xDD okay I'll try that next time
I'm 14 XDDD
Oh no my parents force me too...sadly..
Yea I guess...but urgh I've got too many parties and stuff to attend to now...last year was a heck of a lot quieter...
Aww, I feel sorry for you guys...last year at this time I had a really bad case of laryngitis, so I culdn't do much at all...
34492 Hey everyone!
Aww, so far you guys have mentioned everything I listen to. Oh no, hang on, there's one guy called Pharrell Williams. Check him out :D