Lmao that'd be heaps funny xDD! xDD We could have a day that'd be like..."Forum Invisible Day" xDD...o.O
Hey man! Yeah, umm..welcome to the site and stuff and have fun! Lol and make sure you read the rules, they're pretty important things xD!
hey ANF! And RRMS if you're there! :D
XD I love that song, and thats a funny vid lol!
Thats cool xDD. I love that game, and I heard about the movie xD, but the only part I find a bit weird is the Disney part. Bruckheimer's producer? Lol that should be action packed xDD
Lol this is funny my friends were having an argument about this just yesterday. Well I know Superman would probably win in a fight, but I just relate to Spiderman a lot more. So, yeah, I guess Spiderman is my choice.
Chavs...oh! I remember what they were! Kill them all xDD
xDD I know it sucks. But I might be able to come on more now :D I love that song xDD
hey family!! xDD Haven't said that in ages...
Ummm possibly Roxas. But I like Riku as well...heaps.
I love chocolate...just not too much of it at once xDD
*sighs* We all go through it. XD jkz
One huge sword pointing at me and some guy holding it xDD
Yup yup I'm a religious Catholic xDD Welcome to khv! Enjoy your stay! And yeah, listen to what the others said xDD
Lol seen some of them...your friends look like nice people xDD! And there's Turk xD, my favourite character! *sighs* Christmas looks really fun in America...
My eyes just died
*runs into wall* Hello!
When I'm fighting multiple enemies, I usually single out one enemy and attack that one, by finding openings, and using Guard here and then. I also try and use Reaction Commands whenever I can (unless its a limit sometimes). However, if it is heaps of enemies like Shadows and Neoshadows and stuff, I just go in there and button mash. When I'm versing a boss, I try and find an opening and attack them there (especially with Org. 13). I use Guard and all my form abilities that I have on my normal form. I rarely ever use magic except for Cure, but sometimes I use potions. When I use them I try and go the side of the battlefield and use them. The only exception to my magic use was when I versed Sephiroth, where I used Reflega instead of Guard (I didn't spam it though).xDD
Hey there! First of all, welcome to khv! Just to let ya know, I love to dream too, and yeah, like you, I have a really big story in my head that I'd like to share with people one day! Heck, I love to draw as well xDD! Anyway, yeah, welcome to the forums and stuff, post heaps, be nice to others and stuff and yeah, I think you'll have heaps of fun here! lol
Well I need to wait a couple of months till I can answer that one properly, but I'll take an educated guess xDD. IMO I don't think its too old...when you're like mid-30's or so, well I think then you're getting slightly old xDD