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  1. Enigmatic Boy
    Aww...I'm gonna miss you :(. But its for the best so yeah, I hope your sleep problem becomes better soon and you come back quickly. *cookies*
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 13, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  2. Enigmatic Boy
    Old Disney. While the animation itself is worse, the stories are simply classics. And the music is so awesome. The newer Disney movies rely mainly on special effects and stuff. Thats why I like old Disney :D
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 13, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  3. Enigmatic Boy
    Lol wow, maybe they improved the camera for KH2 a bit too much...nice umm find though...
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 13, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Enigmatic Boy
    I used to like that song, but now it gets repetitive :P
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 11, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Enigmatic Boy
    *le gasp* You serious? Thats awesome xDD! I mean...well its good for you xD, but we'll miss you like hell lol
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Enigmatic Boy
    ^ Loves cookies (who doesn't?)
    < Should go eat something
    V Bored?
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Enigmatic Boy
    Yeah thats true, but what do boys do with them? They make them fight other dolls/action figures. Well thats what I did xDD. But girls look after their dolls, so, yeah, I agree with ANF.
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. Enigmatic Boy
    Axel returned to his somebody??! Crap I never knew that...meh, I should read the news more on khv. And for some reason I always thought that tear was Roxas'. But yeah, when you explain it like that it makes sense, so yeah, I agree.
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Enigmatic Boy
    I don't think so. I mean, it would affect heaps of people, especially the writers, and well, there would be too many complaints against it. Plus it only mostly happens in the Spamzone.
    Personally, I don't mind it, cause I probably won't write so much (but 1000 characters IS heaps small) on forums, I get writer's block sometimes xDD, and can't express my thoughts so good.
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 2, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. Enigmatic Boy
    Hey peoples'!

    No, sorry, ANF, I can't think of one at the moment -_-'. I'm probably the only one on this site that doesn't watch much anime, anymore. I did when I was little though, I used to watch heaps. XDD But then I just sorta...stopped.
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, May 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Enigmatic Boy
    I so want this game xDD. But I don't have a PSP though. It hasn't come out here, but hopefully I'll be able to buy the PSP and the game when it does come out here. I've seen a few videos of it on Youtube xDD and it looks awesome. The music is pretty good too xD. Nobuo Uematsu ftw! :D
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 30, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  12. Enigmatic Boy
    Thats...terrible news. Thats just disgusting. In a religious place as well...urgh. At least the police and stuff did things about it.
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 28, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  13. Enigmatic Boy
    Thats just sad and disgusting. I've heard of stories like this before, but it doesn't make me feel any better about them. Honestly, I find incest bad enough, but when the daughter was held against her will...:(
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 28, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  14. Enigmatic Boy

    Eye color?

    Brown. But most people think they're black...until I shine a light in my eyes.
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Enigmatic Boy
    Hey little kitty! xDD Cats always chase me :(
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Enigmatic Boy
    Eh...why not...I dunno know heaps on here anyway...

    Name: Not telling xDD
    User Name: Enigmatic Boy
    Age: 14 turning 15 soon :)
    Gender: Male
    People I wanna e-pal with: Not really fussy but yeah, anyone I guess xDD
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Enigmatic Boy
    Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Right? xD
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Enigmatic Boy

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Well hope your computer gets better soon least you can go on school computers xD...hope we can handle that lol
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Enigmatic Boy
    Yeah these guys are wicked xDD! This guy I know burnt me their new album, as well as some of their older songs xDD. I love them lol
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 24, 2008 in forum: Music
  20. Enigmatic Boy
    Someone who likes to speak in Japanese, or who can...
    Post by: Enigmatic Boy, Apr 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone